

单词 staunch
释义 staunch
variant of stanch
II. adjective
or stanch \ˈstȯnch, -ä-, -ȧ- sometimes -a-, -aa(ə)-, -ai-\
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French estanche, feminine of estanc, from Old French, from estancher to stanch
 a. : watertight, sound
  < a staunch ship >
 b. : strongly built : substantial
  < staunch cabin >
2. : dependable to find, mark, or follow game
 < staunch hound >
 < drill his dog … to make him staunch on point — W.F.Brown b. 1903 >
3. : constant and steadfast in loyalty : firm in principle : steady, true
 < the king's staunchest followers >
 < staunch defender of free speech >
 < staunch friend >
 < staunch ally >
Synonyms: see faithful




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