

单词 steer
释义 steer
I. \ˈsti(ə)r, -iə\ noun
(plural steers also steer)
Etymology: Middle English stere, steer, from Old English stēor young ox; akin to Old High German stior young ox, Old Norse stjōrr, Gothic stiur, Sanskrit sthavira, sthūra stout, thick, broad, and perhaps to Latin taurus bull, Greek tauros, Middle Irish tarb, Old Norse thjōrr — more at steer III
 a. : a bull castrated before sexual maturity and usually at an early age — see beef
 b. : an ox less than four years old
  < eight thousand head of steer — Wright Morris >
2. : an entire male bovine : bull
3. : the hide of a steer
II. transitive verb
: castrate — used of a bullock
III. verb
Etymology: Middle English steren, from Old English stīeran; akin to Old High German stiuren to steer, Old Norse stȳra, Gothic stiurjan to establish; all from a prehistoric Germanic denominative verb from the root of Old English stēor- rudder, steering oar; akin to Old Norse stȳri rudder, staurr pale, stake, Greek stauros pale, stake, cross, stylos pillar, Sanskrit sthavira, sthūra, stout, thick, tiṣṭhati he stands — more at stand
transitive verb
 a. : to direct the course of : guide, manage, control
  < steer a bill through the legislature >
  < steered the conversation into his favorite channels — T.B.Costain >
 specifically : to direct the course of (as a ship) by means of a rudder or similar device or by other mechanical means
  < steer a bicycle >
  < steer an automobile >
  < steer a satellite >
 b. : to entice (a prospective customer or victim) to an illicit or disreputable establishment
2. : to set and hold to or pursue (a course) : wend
 < see that the boat was steering her right course for the Narrows — William Black >
 < an effort to steer a course between inflation and deflation — Biddle Survey >
intransitive verb
1. : to direct the course (as of a ship or automobile)
 < steer by the stars >
 < take turns steering >
2. : to direct one's course : pursue a course of action
 < steer for home >
3. : to be subject to guidance or direction : obey the helm
 < an automobile that steers well >
Synonyms: see guide

- steer large
- steer small
- steer clear
IV. noun
Etymology: Middle English stere, from steren to steer
: something by which to steer: as
 a. obsolete : rudder, helm
 b. : directions for steering a course
  < gave us a steer toward home >
 c. : a hint as to procedure : tip
  < give one a friendly steer >
  < never got a wrong steer from me yet — H.A.Sinclair >
  — see bum steer
 d. : a steering mechanism or arrangement
  < a truck with a four-wheel steer >
V. \ˈstēr\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English stere, steer; akin to Middle Low German stūr stiff, severe, Old High German stiuri, stūri strong, proud, Sanskrit sthūra stout, thick, broad — more at steer III
chiefly Scotland : strong, rough
VI. \ˈsti(ə)r, -iə\
dialect Britain
variant of stir




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