

单词 immature
释义 im·mature
I. \|i(m)+\ adjective
Etymology: Latin immaturus, from in- in- (I) + maturus mature — more at mature
1. archaic : premature, untimely
 a. : lacking complete growth, differentiation, or development
  < poor thin immature soils >
  < immature animals >
  : unripe
  < immature fruit >
  (1) : having capacities or potentialities for attaining but not yet having attained a definitive form or state
   < immature talents >
   < a vigorous but immature school of art >
   : crude, unfinished
  (2) of a topographic feature : predictably due to undergo further changes : not having attained maturity — used especially of valleys and drainages while most of the area is well above baselevel
 c. : exhibiting less than a normal or expected degree of maturity
  < emotionally immature adults >
  < the alcoholic is an immature, maladjusted individual — W.L.Wilkins >
im·maturely \“+\ adverb
im·matureness \“+\ noun
II. \“+\ noun
: an immature individual; especially : a young bird that has molted the juvenal plumage but has not yet acquired complete adult plumage




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