

单词 imperialist
释义 im·pe·ri·al·ist
I. \-_lə̇st\ noun
Etymology: imperial (I) + -ist
1. : one that adheres to an emperor or to his party; especially : one loyal to the Holy Roman Empire
2. : one who favors or practices imperialism
II. adjective
or im·pe·ri·al·is·tic \(|)im| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|listik, əm-, -tēk\
: of, relating to, practicing, or favoring imperialism
 < the great faiths … are imperialistic, going out to bring into the fold others than those people among whom they grew up — W.W.Howells >
 < an imperialist war >
 < imperialistic in seeking to convert almost the whole of political science to his own interests — David Easton >
 < autocratic control and imperialistic expansion — Sigmund Neumann >
 < imperialistic policies of aggression among the weaker races — Lewis Mumford >
im·pe·ri·al·is·ti·cal·ly \-tə̇k(ə)lē, -tēk-, -li\ adverb




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