

单词 stifle
释义 sti·fle
I. \ˈstīfəl\ noun
also stifle joint
Etymology: Middle English stifle
: the joint next above the hock and near the flank in the hind leg of various quadrupeds (as horses and dogs) : the joint corresponding to the knee in man — see horse illustration
II. transitive verb
: to affect with dislocation of the stifle bone or disease in the stifle — usually used in passive
III. \ˈstīfəl\ verb
(stifled ; stifled ; stifling \-f(ə)liŋ\ ; stifles)
Etymology: alteration of Middle English stuflen, stufflen, probably modification of Middle French estouffer to smother, suffocate
transitive verb
1. obsolete : to kill by submersion : drown
 < threw herself into a deep well, in which she was stifled — William Bosman >
 a. : to kill by depriving of oxygen : asphyxiate, suffocate
  < shall I not then be stifled in the vault — Shakespeare >
  < every living thing … must have perished slowly or suddenly, stifled by the mud — Francis Kingdon-Ward >
  (1) : to blanket or envelop to the point of suffocation : smother
   < the oppressive air stifled her, and she felt that her breath … was suspended — Ellen Glasgow >
  (2) archaic : to extinguish (fire) by covering : snuff
   < travelers, armed with felt carpets, were endeavoring to stifle the flame — William Hazlitt †1893 >
  (3) : to mute by or as if by enveloping or screening : muffle
   < units can be insulated so they almost entirely stifle noise of operation — Jim Riggs >
 a. : to cut off (as the voice or breath) : silence
  < engulfing flames soon stifle their cries >
 b. archaic : to withhold from circulation : conceal, suppress
  < the papers he thought of too much value to be stifled, and advised the printing of them — Benjamin Franklin >
 c. : to withhold from expression : keep in check : repress
  < not the sort of man to stifle anger — J.E.Macdonnell >
 d. : to curb or quell by force : inhibit, restrain
  < stifle free speech by breaking up meetings … and confiscating pamphlets — Zechariah Chafee >
  < a belligerent right to stifle the trade of an enemy — F.L.Paxson >
 e. archaic : to arrest the flow of : absorb, obstruct
  < they stop and stifle … the rays which they do not reflect or transmit — Isaac Newton >
 f. : to act as a deterrent to : deprive of initiative or vitality : discourage, trammel
  < the mountain barrier stifles the commerce which might develop — P.E.James >
  < economic controls, which have … stifled our economy — A.E.Summerfield >
  < vital art is stifled by culture, which insists that artists … imitate old masters — Clive Bell >
intransitive verb
1. : to become suffocated by or as if by lack of oxygen : smother
 < no need to stifle in a hot kitchen this summer — Better Homes & Gardens >
 < my unsoiled name … will so your accusations overweigh, that you shall stifle in your own report — Shakespeare >
2. : to undergo repression or restraint
 < why should I stifle in a convent — P.B.Kyne >
Synonyms: see suffocate
IV. noun
: a suffocating atmosphere
 < the stifle of the subway — Everybody's Magazine >




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