

单词 imposture
释义 im·pos·ture
I. \ə̇mˈpäschə(r)\ noun
Etymology: Late Latin impostura, from Latin impostus, impositus (past participle of imponere to put upon, impose, deceive, cheat) + -ura -ure — more at impose
1. : the act or practice of imposing on or deceiving someone by means of an assumed character or name : the act or conduct of an impostor
 < careful not to detect cases of malingering … and thus placed a premium on imposture — G.E.Fussell >
2. : an instance of imposture
 < admitted under oath that the whole defense of insanity was an imposture and a sham — B.N.Cardozo >
 cheat, fraud, deceit, deception, counterfeit, sham, fake, humbug, simulacrum: imposture applies to any situation in which a spurious object or action is passed off as genuine and bona fide
  < its values … are an imposture: pretending to honor and distinction it accepts all that is vulgar and base — Edmund Wilson >
  cheat applies to any abuse of credence and faith by misleading or trickery and also to delusion induced by the victim's credulousness
  < though the counts allowed the cheat for fact … and let the tale o' the feigned birth pass for true — Robert Browning >
  < the cheat which still leads us to work and live for appearances — R.W.Emerson >
  fraud is likely to indicate a calculated perversion of the truth; applied to a person it may be less condemnatory and suggest pretence and hypocrisy
  < many persons persisted in believing that his supposed suicide was but another fraud — Justin M'Carthy >
  < the pious fraud who freely indulges in the sins against which he eloquently preaches — Oliver LaFarge >
  deceit indicates anything that deceives or misleads, usually purposefully, and is strongly condemnatory
  < Indians were … treacherous according to the white man's standards, since they held that the basest trickery or deceit was not dishonorable if directed against a foe — American Guide Series: Rhode Island >
  deception is often interchangeable with deceit but is used without condemnation in reference to sleights and feints and to innocent or natural characteristics likely to mislead
  < practice gross deception on the public with all the earnestness of a moral “crusade” — K.S.Davis >
  < a fast backfield trained in deception >
  counterfeit refers to a close imitation or copy of a thing, usually one made or circulated for dishonest gain
  < this bill's a counterfeit >
 in reference to persons or ideas or qualities it suggests spurious although close imitation without culpable intent to deceive
  < not really a married woman and a housemistress but only a kind of counterfeit — Arnold Bennett >
  sham is severe in censuring what fraudulently imitates or purports to be a genuine reality
  < perhaps her devotion to Marcellus was a sham and her real intention was that Agrippa should be goaded into putting him out of the way — Robert Graves >
  < if people would only build on facts, not on shams — Ellen Glasgow >
  fake refers to something factitious or assumed with plausible closeness to the original, genuine, or true; it may or may not condemn, depending on culpable intent to deceive
  < Gaston B. Means's volume, The Strange Death of President Harding, … bears every imprint of being a thoroughgoing fake — S.H.Adams >
  < he pretends everything is what it is not, he is a fake — Katherine A. Porter >
  humbug indicates elaborate pretense, especially so flagrant that it approaches transparency
  < you're a humbug, sir … I will speak plainer, if you wish it. An imposter, sir — Charles Dickens >
  < these liars warn't no kings nor dukes, at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds — Mark Twain >
  simulacrum indicates an image or imitation but usually lacks the suggestion that it is made to defraud; it may indicate an image utterly wanting in essential substance or reality
  < nothing but a coat and a wig and a mask smiling below it — nothing but a great simulacrum — W.M.Thackeray >
  < something whose essence was not there at all, a stiff lifeless simulacrum — J.C.Powys >
II. intransitive verb
obsolete : to practice imposture
transitive verb
1. obsolete : to show to be an imposture
2. obsolete : deceive




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