

单词 impression
释义 im·pres·sion
\ə̇mˈpreshən\ noun
Etymology: Middle English impressioun, from Middle French impression, from Latin impression-, impressio, from impressus (past part of imprimere to impress) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at impress
1. : the act or process of impressing: as
  (1) : an affecting by stamping, bearing upon, pressing, pressing into, or otherwise exerting a physical force that marks, grooves, embosses, or prints in some way
   < the worker held the metal firm during the impression by the die >
   < a firm impression of the seal on the wax >
  (2) archaic : the printing process
 b. : a communicating or giving of a mold, style, trait, or character by an external force or influence
  < a parent concerned with the impression of good traits on the mind and personality of his children >
2. : the effect or product of an impression: as
  (1) : an indentation, stamp, embossment, form, or figure resulting from physical contact usually with pressure
   < the strokes became wedge-shaped impressions which gave cuneiform its name — Peter Lawrence >
   < a banking system whose principal features would be a circulation of notes bearing a common impressionEncyc. Americana >
   < a well-printed book has a sharp, clean impression — Joseph Blumenthal >
  (2) obsolete : a telling mark or trace
  (3) : a negative imprint in plastic material of the surfaces of the teeth and adjacent portions of the jaw from which a positive likeness may be produced in dentistry
  (4) : meter impression
 b. : an especially marked influence or effect on feeling, sense, or mind
  < the bad dream made a terrible impression on the child >
  < the impression of the ocean was vivid in his mind >
  < made a favorable impression on the audience >
  < the more emotion the reading arouses, the deeper the impression on the learner — W.F.Mackey >
  < square chimneys thrusting upward add to the impression of weight — American Guide Series: Arkansas >
  (1) : a characteristic trait or feature resulting from influence
   < the impression produced by an environment on a person's habits >
  (2) : an effect of alteration or improvement
   < the fur traders … made little permanent impression on the wilderness — R.A.Billington >
   < a candle or lamp struggled feebly from a window but made no impression on the darkness — S.H.Holbrook >
 d. : a telling image impressed on the senses or the mind
  < looking over the steep hills, the first impression is of an immense void like the sea — Richard Jefferies >
  < drank in all the new impressions eagerly — Havelock Ellis >
3. : a piece of wax, metal, or other substance on which a seal has been impressed
4. archaic
 a. : charge, attack
 b. : strong effect : impact, shock
5. obsolete : an atmospheric condition or phenomenon
 a. : the amount of pressure with which an inked printing surface deposits its ink on the paper in the printing process
  < each form should be made ready with as light an impression as practicable — John Southward >
 b. : one instance of the meeting of a printing surface and the material being printed
  < plates badly worn after a million impressions >
 also : a single print or copy so made
 c. : all the copies of a book or other publication printed in one continuous operation from a single makeready
  < first published in 1939 and now available in a third impressionTimes Literary Supplement >
  — called also printing; compare edition
7. : a usually indistinct or imprecise notion, remembrance, belief, or opinion
 < an impression of familiarity with a face >
 < the mistaken impression that they were out of enemy territory >
 < cold, and mysterious, and ghostly — that is my first and lasting impression of Mycenae — Mary Chubb >
 a. : the first coat of color in painting
 b. : a coat of paint for ornament or preservation
9. : an imitation or representation of salient features in an artistic or theatrical medium (as a ballet, painting, or theatrical monologue)
 < the novel was an impression of the battle from the point of view of the common soldier >
especially : an imitation in caricature of a noted personality as a form of theatrical entertainment
 < the comedian gave several impressions of famous movie and television stars >
Synonyms: see idea




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