单词 | impression |
释义 | im·pres·sion 1. a. (1) < the worker held the metal firm during the impression by the die > < a firm impression of the seal on the wax > (2) archaic b. < a parent concerned with the impression of good traits on the mind and personality of his children > 2. a. (1) < the strokes became wedge-shaped impressions which gave cuneiform its name — Peter Lawrence > < a banking system whose principal features would be a circulation of notes bearing a common impression — Encyc. Americana > < a well-printed book has a sharp, clean impression — Joseph Blumenthal > (2) obsolete (3) (4) b. < the bad dream made a terrible impression on the child > < the impression of the ocean was vivid in his mind > < made a favorable impression on the audience > < the more emotion the reading arouses, the deeper the impression on the learner — W.F.Mackey > < square chimneys thrusting upward add to the impression of weight — American Guide Series: Arkansas > c. (1) < the impression produced by an environment on a person's habits > (2) < the fur traders … made little permanent impression on the wilderness — R.A.Billington > < a candle or lamp struggled feebly from a window but made no impression on the darkness — S.H.Holbrook > d. < looking over the steep hills, the first impression is of an immense void like the sea — Richard Jefferies > < drank in all the new impressions eagerly — Havelock Ellis > 3. 4. archaic a. b. 5. obsolete 6. a. < each form should be made ready with as light an impression as practicable — John Southward > b. < plates badly worn after a million impressions > also c. < first published in 1939 and now available in a third impression — Times Literary Supplement > — called also printing; compare edition 7. < an impression of familiarity with a face > < the mistaken impression that they were out of enemy territory > < cold, and mysterious, and ghostly — that is my first and lasting impression of Mycenae — Mary Chubb > 8. a. b. 9. < the novel was an impression of the battle from the point of view of the common soldier > especially < the comedian gave several impressions of famous movie and television stars > Synonyms: see idea |
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