释义 |
im·provi·sa·tion \(ˌ)imˌprävəˈzāshən, əm- also ˌimprəvə̇ˈz- sometimes (ˌ) ̷ ̷ˌprävəˈsā- or ˌimprəˌvīˈzā- or (ˌ) ̷ ̷ˌprōvəˈzā- or -ōvəˈsā-\ noun (-s) Etymology: French, from improviser + -ation 1. : the act of improvising or the quality or state of being improvised: as a. (1) : extemporaneous composition (as of music or poetry) (2) : the extemporaneousness of such composition b. (1) : a course pursued in accordance with no previously devised plan, policy, or consideration < his conduct at the time was merely an improvisation > < the policy of a democracy thus becomes an eternal improvisation — H.L.Mencken > < the flight into the East was not an improvisation, a sudden, last-minute, desperate measure — A.R.Williams > (2) : the extemporaneous quality of such a course < the improvisation of the country's relation with foreign powers > 2. : something improvised or designed to seem improvised : impromptu • im·provi·sa·tion·al \-āshənəl, -āshnəl\ adjective |