单词 | in |
释义 | in I. 1. a. (1) — used as a function word to indicate location or position in space or in some materially bounded object < put the key in the lock > < travel in Italy > < play in the street > < wounded in the leg > < read in bed > < look up a quotation in a book > (2) chiefly Britain < squatting down in his heels — R.M.Daw > < tramcars which run in tracks — Manual of Firemanship (Gt. British) > < best dwelling house in the island — Padraic Fallon > (3) < broke in pieces > < called in council on many occasions — U.S. Investor > < threw it in the fire > < wouldn't let her in the house — Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News > b. (1) — used as a function word to indicate position or location in something immaterial or intangible < saw him in my dreams > < the position of the artist in society > or the fact of belonging to a group or association < you're in the army now > < are you in the orchestra > (2) — used as a function word to indicate activity, occupation, or purpose < advanced in hot pursuit > < in search of lost treasure > < in honor of this event > < what is all this in aid of … — Sydney (Australia) Bulletin > (3) — used as a function word to indicate a position or relationship of authority or responsibility < in charge of the company's affairs > < in command of the garrison > (4) < in cooling this material hardens > < drowned in crossing the river > (5) — used as a function word to indicate close connection by way of implication or active participation < in the plot > < in an amateur play > (6) — used as a function word to indicate engagement in a business identified with a particular commodity < he's in oil, he's in rice — Ethel Merman > < her mother's family were … in butter — Mary Manning > < was in buttons but had started to expand into novelties — Mary Barrett > c. (1) — used as a function word to indicate a material, mental, or moral situation or condition < a house in ruins > < a boy in love > < he's in luck > < in great pain > < up to his waist in water > or an environing condition < the city lay in darkness > < basking in sunshine > (2) — used as a function word to indicate something that envelops or covers < a book bound in buckram > < covered in mud — Nevil Shute > < covered in … cotton plaid — Spiegel's Catalog > (3) — used as a function word to indicate a cultivated or natural plant cover < valley bottom is in grass — P.E.James > < 75 percent of all the cropped land is in cereals — Samuel Van Valkenburg & Ellsworth Huntington > < most of the surface is in woods or brush — L.E.Klimm > (4) — used as a function word to indicate something that is being worn < a tall man in a bowler hat — Christopher Isherwood > < racing the horse in binders > — often used to indicate a salient characteristic of what is being worn < a lady in black > d. — used as a function word with an accompanying concrete word to indicate a physiological condition or process (as pregnancy or the condition of producing or yielding) < in lamb > < a cow in milk > e. (1) — used as a function word with an accompanying concrete word to indicate affluence or easy financial circumstances < the Madrileño in the money loves to make a splash — E.D.Hauser > < I am generally in cash — Lord Byron > (2) — used as a function word to indicate possession or display of some trait or attribute < a gentleman in a gray goatee — Al Hine > < the sheep are in wool > < the corn's in silk and tassel — G.S.Perry > < in figure slim — W.H.Hudson †1922 > f. < when in liquor, he would scutter up a tree like a squirrel — S.H.Adams > < in drink > < in one's cups > 2. a. (1) < early in April > < come in time > < in the days of my childhood > < in a few minutes he was there > (2) < in his long journeys throughout the country — Darcy Ribeiro > < in all that time I never saw him > (3) < the coldest day in twenty years > < have not seen him in months > b. < united in this time of peril > < vested in the governor acting in his discretion — Achievement in the Gold Coast > c. — used as a function word to indicate a proportion or rate < the mix was one in twenty — F.W.Crofts > 3. a. (1) — used as a function word to indicate means or instrumentality < scribbled and scratched over … in pencil or nail — William Faulkner > < caught his coat in the gate latch — L.Y.Erskine > < treated in moist heat — F.D.Smith & Barbara Wilcox > (2) < it is also complex, in being an integral part of a rich and many-sided mind — E.R.Bentley > < resemble the … Uplands in the fact that generally they provide an environment unfriendly to human occupancy — Samuel Van Valkenburg & Ellsworth Huntington > — often used in the phrase in that < a fallacious argument in that it is based on false premises > (3) — used as a function word to indicate material or constituents < a memorial in Vermont granite — Bernard De Voto > < tell the court … in what her cargo consisted — F.W.Crofts > < an artist in oils > (4) — used as a function word to indicate degree, extent, or measure < flock to his exhibitions in thousands — Herbert Read > < in the main, we are in agreement > < not discouraged in the least > (5) — used as a function word to indicate a class of objects < something in a vacuum cleaner — John Steinbeck > < the latest thing in cars > b. — used as a function word to indicate manner, form, or arrangement < buying a pig in installments — Dodie Smith > < told in confidence > < written in French > < carry all your funds in traveler's checks — Richard Joseph > c. < wonders if actors of other countries are as happy in their audiences as we are — Phyllis Robbins > < care must be exercised in the amount of tannic acid used — C.M.Whittaker & C.C.Wilcock > < in fall color they have few peers — Laurence Lowry > < Greek in language, culture, and religion — Franc Shor > < six feet in height > < a library rich in manuscripts > < in the matter of your account > 4. a. — used as a function word to indicate consideration of a thing strictly limited to its own essence, nature, or merits, apart from its relations to others < in itself, the matter has no importance > < nothing is beautiful in itself > — compare thing-in-itself b. — used as a function word to indicate the specific object, sphere, or aspect to which a qualification is restricted < in him you have a fine leader > < much remains to be done in this field > < a very worthy gentleman, in truth > < that we expect in persons of your station — W.S.Gilbert > < my trust is in the Lord > < believe in his good faith > < rich in hope — Shakespeare > c. (1) < has no pity in him > < there is nothing in that story > (2) < if I … had anything like that in me, it would have made itself felt before now — Hamilton Basso > d. < love one's brothers in Christ > e. < the scholarship is in the trustees of the fund > 5. < in F > • - not in it II. 1. a. (1) < the door is locked, I can't get in > < opened the window and climbed in > < broke in and made the arrest > (2) < drove 20 miles in and walked the rest of the way > < flew in on the first plane > < it was shank's mare from there in — Shelby Foote > (3) < trackless trolleys able to swing in to the curb — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union > < the enemy closed in > : at close quarters < advised the infielders to play in > (4) < darkness closed in > < the fog moved in > b. < put in some sugar > < mix in the flour > < paint in another figure > — often used in combination < built-in stabilizers > c. (1) < fit a piece in > (2) < fell in with our plans > < will he fit in > d. (1) < get your orders in early > < called us in for a conference > (2) < had some friends in for dinner > < had a girl in to serve > 2. a. (1) < is your mother in > < the doctor will be in at 2 > (2) < the whole whaling fleet was in — H.A.Chippendale > < wild riders of the High Plains, in from the ranches — American Guide Series: Texas > < is the train in > < two runs in last inning > (3) < is the key in > < had to climb a ladder because the stairs were not yet in — Current Biography > < the footings are already in — Building Estimating & Contracting > b. (1) < shut a person in > (2) < snowed in > < fence cattle in > (3) < what offense is he in for > (4) of a ship's sails c. (1) < it's exciting to be in on that — May Sarton > < was in on the scheme — E.S.Morgan > < let some members of the diplomatic corps in on the government's intention — Sydney Gruson > < bankers who are in on current … thinking — Wall Street Journal > < time his visit so that he might sit in on the Civil War — Theatre Arts > (2) < come in for three chips > < count me in > < stay in the pot > d. (1) < the Tories were in again — John Strachey > also < in by a landslide > (2) < in by descent > (3) < in with the courthouse gang — D.D.McKean > < in strong with the white folks — Ralph Ellison > (4) < in bad with the boss > (5) < by the end of the performance I was in — Emmett Kelly > < why, you're in, fellow — Amateur Athlete > also < jewelry is in this year — G.A.Wagner > e. (1) chiefly Britain < blow in a fire > < the streetlights … were in — E.M.Lustgarten > (2) < strawberries are in > : in cultivation < had some two hundred acres in — Eve Langley > : in condition to be harvested : in mature condition < when cotton is in their devotion to the crop alters them completely — American Guide Series: Arkansas > (3) < the last man in > (4) of an oil well < the well has come in > (5) < rationing by points is over and rationing by the purse is in — Economist > f. (1) < the evidence is not all in — W.C.Allee > < the answers aren't in — Roscoe Drummond > (2) < when our own crops were in — A.W.Barkley > < after harvests are in > (3) < October was in, mild and languorous — Maurice Hewlett > (4) < had in enough time as mate — H.A.Chippendale > < put in a lot of time on that job > 3. < every feeding time from there on in — Land Kaderli > • - in for - in for it III. now dialect chiefly England IV. 1. a. < the in part > b. < the in party > c. < the in team > 2. < the in train > V. 1. < wanted to be an in — W.A.White > — usually used in plural < a matter of ins versus outs — L.K.Caldwell > 2. < enjoyed some sort of in with the commandant — Henriette Roosenburg > < must have an in someplace — W.R.Burnett > 3. VI. 1. 2. I. 1. < an in joke > 2. < the in place to go > 3. < the in crowd > • in-ness |
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