

单词 in
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: in-season , or in situ , or in solido , or in statu nascendi , or in statu quo , or in sunder , or in tempo , or in an interesting condition , or in terrorem , or in toto , or in trans , or in-transit , or in transitu , or in-tray , or in-turn , or in utero , or in utroque jure , or in vacuo , or in vitro , or in vivo , or in irons , or iron in the fire , or jack-in-a-bottle , or jack-in-a-box , or jack-in-office , or jack-in-the-box , or jack-in-the-green , or jack-in-the-pulpit , or jacks-in-the-box , or jacks-in-the-green , or jacks-in-the-pulpit , or in jig time , or in job lots , or jus in personam , or jus in re , or jus in rem , or just in case , or justice in eyre , or keep one's hand in , or keep in , or kick in the pants , or kick in the teeth , or kick-in , or in kindle , or arm in arm , or in the arms of morpheus , or up in arms , or king-in-council , or king-in-parliament , or kiss-in-the-ring , or over in the knees , or in the know , or ladle in , or lady-in-waiting , or in lamb , or in large , or last in, first out , or laugh in one's sleeve , or lay in , or lead-in groove , or in leaf , or in the least , or leave in , or let in , or let-in , or letting-in , or licker-in , or lie in one's throat , or lie in , or in lieu , or in lieu of , or in the light of , or in line , or in line for , or in line with , or lion in the way , or in liquor , or listener-in , or listen in , or in little , or live in , or long in the tooth , or look in the eye , or look in , or loop in , or lord-in-waiting , or lord of appeal in ordinary , or in love , or love-in-a-mist , or love-in-idleness , or love-in-winter , or in luck , or in a lump , or lump in one's throat , or in the lurch , or lying-in , or maid-in-waiting , or make a dent in , or mala in se , or assets in hand , or malice in fact , or malum in se , or man-in-the-ground , or man in the moon , or man in the street , or in a manner , or in the market , or in mass , or master in chancery , or in the matter of , or matter in controversy , or matter in deed , or matter in issue , or matter in pais , or in a measure , or melt in one's mouth , or in microcosm , or in the middle , or in the middle of , or in milk , or in the milk , or milling-in-transit , or in two minds , or in miniature , or in moderation , or attorney-in-fact , or in the money , or mote in the eye , or mother-in-law , or mother-in-law plant , or down in the mouth , or muck in , or in muslin , or nail in one's coffin , or in the neck , or needle in a haystack , or in the negative , or nigger in the woodpile , or in nothing flat , or in a nutshell , or put one's oar in , or oil-in-water , or once in a way , or once in a while , or in one , or in order that , or in order to , or order-in-council , or in ordinary , or in orle , or babe in the woods , or in back of , or paid-in surplus , or in pairle , or in pale , or back in , or in the panel , or parent-in-law , or parson-in-the-pulpit , or in good part , or in part , or in particular , or partner in commendam , or partner in crime , or pass in one's checks , or in passing , or in a bad way , or in bad , or pay in , or paying-in book , or paying-in slip , or in peal , or in the bag , or peg in the ring , or in the person of , or in the balance , or in perspective , or petition in bankruptcy , or petition in error , or in phase , or in ballast , or pick a hole in , or pick in , or in pickle , or pie in the sky , or in pig , or pig in a poke , or pigs in blankets , or pigs in clover , or in the pink , or pipe in , or pitch in , or in place , or in place of , or place in the sun , or plaintiff in error , or in banc , or in play , or plea in abatement , or plea in bar , or plea in confession and avoidance , or plug in , or in one's pocket , or in pocket , or in point , or in point of , or poke-in , or in bank , or in the bank , or position in readiness , or in bar of , or pour in , or power in gross , or in practice , or praecipe in capite , or in barbette , or pray in aid , or prayer in aid , or in the bargain , or in present , or in press , or in principle , or in print , or printing-in , or in private , or privies in blood , or privies in estate , or privies in law , or privies in representation , or in privy , or in all probability , or in progress , or in proportion , or in prospect , or pull in one's horns , or puller-in , or pull in , or pull-in torque , or punch in , or in purpose , or puss in the corner , or put in an appearance , or put in mind , or put in , or putter-in , or in quadrangle , or quasi in rem , or queen-in-council , or queen-in-parliament , or queens-in-council , or queens-in-parliament , or in quest of , or in question , or quick-in-the-hand , or in quires , or in act , or in the raw , or have bats in the belfry , or reacher-in , or read in , or in reality , or real party in interest , or in reason , or reconnaissance in force , or rectus in curia , or bat in , or reflect in a plane , or in regard of , or rejoice in , or rejoicing in the law , or relative-in-law , or in reserve , or in respect , or in respect of , or in respect to , or restitutio in integrum , or restore in blood , or in result , or in retard , or in reverse , or the beam in one's own eye , or in one's own right , or in right of , or in the right , or in the right of , or ring in , or bear in hand , or bear in mind , or bear in with , or rod in pickle , or roll in , or roll-in , or rolls-in , or rooming-in , or root in , or in the rough , or in beat , or rough in , or roughing-in , or in round , or in the round , or round in , or rub in , or run in the blood , or run in with , or in the long run , or run in , or run-in , or run-in groove , or in the running , or in sackcloth and ashes , or sack in , or in the saddle , or in saltire , or sand-in , or bee in one's bonnet , or in scale , or in score , or in behalf of , or in season , or in season and out of season , or second-in-command , or second-in-hand , or in secret , or in section , or belly in , or send in one's papers , or send in , or in a sense , or in series , or set foot in , or set in , or setter-in , or in bend , or in several , or in bend dexter , or in bend sinister , or in the shade , or in shame of , or in no shape , or in shape , or sheet in the wind , or in the shell , or shoo-in , or in short order , or in short , or shorten in , or shot in the arm , or shot in the locker , or shut in , or in sight , or sight in , or sign in , or in berry , or singuli in solidum , or sister-in-law , or sit in , or sit-in , or sitter-in , or in a whole skin , or in one's skin , or skin in , or slack in stays , or slam the door in one's face , or slap in , or sleep in , or sleep-in , or snake in the grass , or snow-in-summer , or sock in , or son-in-law , or sops in wine , or in soundings , or in the mean space , or in spades , or special plea in bar , or in specie , or spin in , or bid in , or in spirits , or spit in the ocean , or in splendor , or in sport , or in spots , or stand in hand , or stand in with , or stand in , or stand-in , or stars in one's eyes , or stare one in the face , or in a state of nature , or in stays , or stay-in strike , or bill in aid of an execution , or bill in equity , or in step , or step in , or stew in one's own juice , or stick in one's craw , or stick in one's throat , or stick-in , or stick-in-the-mud , or in stitches , or stitch in time , or in stock , or in one's stocking feet , or stock-in-trade , or in a bind , or stoppage in transitu , or stopping in transit , or storage in transit , or storm in a teacup , or stove-in , or in the straw , or in stride , or strike in , or strike-in , or strip-in , or stroke in , or stroker-in , or in substance , or suck in , or suck-in , or in addition , or in addition to , or in sum , or bird in the hand , or in the sun , or birdie in the cage , or bird-in-the-bush , or birds-in-the-bush , or swearer-in , or swear in , or bishop in partibus infidelium , or bit in one's teeth , or tailer-in , or take in vain , or take it in snuff , or take one's life in one's hands , or bite in , or take in with , or take in , or take-in , or taker-in , or talk in , or in tandem , or tax in kind , or tempest in a teapot , or tenancy in common , or tenant in capite , or tenant in common , or ten-in-one ration , or tenure in chivalry , or in terms of , or in one's black books , or theater-in-the-round , or in there , or thing in action , or thing-in-itself , or three-in-hand , or three in one , or three-men-in-a-boat , or throw in one's hand , or throw in one's lot with , or throw in the sponge , or throw in , or throw-in , or tie in , or tier-in , or in tillage , or in good time , or in no time , or in time , or toad-in-the-hole , or toe-in , or toll in , or tongue in cheek , or in the teeth of , or in total , or touch in , or touch-in-goal , or touch-in-goal line , or in tow , or in one's tracks , or trade in , or trade-in , or in trail , or in transit , or in triplicate , or trot in double harness , or in trust , or trustee in bankruptcy , or trustee in invitum , or in truth , or tuned-in , or in turn , or turn in upon oneself , or turn in , or turn-in , or in twain , or twister-in , or twisting-in , or in two , or in two twos , or two-seed-in-the-spirit predestinarian baptist , or tying-in , or umpire-in-chief , or block-in-course , or block-in-course bond , or uncle-in-law , or in blood , or in one's blood , or in unison , or unity in variety , or blow in , or blown-in-the-bottle , or blow up in one's face , or blue in the face , or in two ups , or in use , or usher in , or in vain , or vair in pale , or valve-in-head engine , or in view of , or in the same boat , or vouch in , or in wad , or in waiting , or in the wake of , or in a walk , or walk-in-walk-out , or ward in chancery , or warm-in boy , or in smooth water , or water-in-oil , or in a big way , or in a way , or in one's way , or wear-in , or weigh in , or weigh-in , or weight in hand , or whipper-in , or whistle in the dark , or in the white , or will-in-the-wisp , or have in the wind , or in the wind , or in bonanza , or wolf in sheep's clothing , or wolf-in-the-tail , or in one's wool , or in the wool , or in a word , or in so many words , or in the works , or in work , or work in , or work in process , or work in progress , or in the world , or write in , or write-in campaign , or write-in vote , or writ of extent in aid , or writ of extent in chief , or in one's bad books , or in one's book , or in one's good books , or add-in , or alice-in-wonderland , or in the ballpark , or burn-in , or buy-in , or call in sick , or call-in , or dead in the water , or in abraham's bosom , or drop-in , or drop-in center , or fish in troubled waters , or bottled in bond , or hang in there , or hone in , or in-country , or in-depth , or in-flight , or in-house , or in-joke , or in-kind , or in-line , or in-line skate , or in vitro fertilization , or in-your-face , or just-in-time , or lived-in , or live-in , or love-in , or pack it in , or phone-in , or in the pipeline , or put-in , or rub one's nose in , or in the box , or shoot oneself in the foot , or smoke-in , or teach-in , or tongue-in-cheek , or brace in , or -in , or in advance , or in advance of , or break in , or break in on , or in one breath , or bred-in-the-bone , or breeze in , or in and out , or in arms , or in between , or in case , or in chief , or in re , or in spite of , or in store , or in- , or in-and-out , or in-between , or in-service , or in brief , or bring in , or brother-in-arms , or brother-in-law , or in the bucket , or build in , or in bulk , or bull in a china shop , or bunk in , or burn a hole in one's pocket , or burn in , or butt in , or butt-in , or buy in , or in the bygoing , or in a kind of way , or in a manner of speaking , or in a sort of way , or in at one ear and out at the other , or in balance , or in banco , or in conscience , or in face of , or in fault , or in issue , or in must , or in one lump , or in one word , or in one's charge , or in partibus , or in rebus , or in respect that , or in solidum , or in stud , or in the charge , or in the clover , or in the generality , or in the grease , or in the large , or in the last analysis , or in the lump , or in the mainour , or in the pink of condition , or in the same breath , or in the way , or in virtue of , or in-a-door , or in-and-out system , or in-line skating , or in-migration , or in-ness , or in calf , or call in question , or call-in pay , or shove one's oar in , or in camera , or stick one's oar in , or throw one's hat in the ring , or in the can , or toss one's hat in the ring , or cap in hand , or carcinoma in situ , or in the cart , or in any case , or in case of , or in case that , or cash in one's chips , or cash in , or cast in one's teeth , or castle in the air , or cave-in , or cessio in jure , or in the aggregate , or in chancery , or chaplain in ordinary , or in character , or in charge , or in check , or check in , or check-in , or in chevron , or chime in , or chip in , or in chorus , or chose in action , or chose in possession , or C in C , or circulus in definiendo , or circulus in probando , or in the circumstances , or in the air , or up in the air , or in a clap , or clap-in-clap-out , or in the clear , or clear in , or in a cleft stick , or close in , or close-in , or in the clouds , or in clover , or in cold blood , or in the cold , or out in the cold , or colonel-in-chief , or combination in restraint of trade , or come in , or coming in , or commander in chief , or command-in-chief , or in commission , or in common , or common in gross , or common in the soil , or comrade-in-arms , or in concert , or in conclusion , or in the concrete , or cone-in-cone , or conjoined in lure , or in all conscience , or in consequence , or in consequence of , or in consideration of , or contract in , or contradictio in adjecto , or in controversy , or in ale , or correct in the mouth , or count in , or in course , or in due course , or in full course , or in short course , or in open court , or cousin-in-law , or cover in , or in a creel , or in cross , or in full cry , or cui in vita , or culpa levis in abstracto , or culpa levis in concreto , or in one's cups , or cut in , or all-in , or all in , or all-in-one , or in the abstract , or in the dark , or dation in payment , or daughter-in-law , or day in, day out , or day in court , or days in bank , or deal in , or in at the death , or de die in diem , or in deep water , or in default of , or defense in depth , or in deference to , or in defiance of , or in depth , or in the descendant , or in the devil , or devil-in-a-bush , or devil-in-a-mist , or devil's-head-in-a-bush , or diamond in the rough , or die in bed , or die in harness , or die in one's boots , or dig in , or in dispute , or distyle in antis , or in the dock , or in the doghouse , or dog in the manger , or do in , or done in , or a foot in the door , or in doors , or in the year dot , or double in balk , or double in brass , or in the down , or down-in-the-mouth , or drag in , or draw in one's horns , or drawer-in , or draw in , or draw-in bolt , or in drawing , or drawing-in , or dress in , or drill in , or in drink , or drive-in , or drop in the bucket , or in duplicate , or in dust and ashes , or in line of duty , or dyed-in-the-wool , or in one ear and out the other , or easement in gross , or in abatement , or edge in , or editor in chief , or in effect , or elbow in hawse , or in the end , or endorse in blank , or in its entirety , or in escrow , or in especial , or in essence , or estate in expectancy , or estate in possession , or in any event , or in the event , or in evidence , or examination in chief , or in excess of , or in exchange , or in the final analysis , or in the extreme , or in extremities , or do in the eye , or have in one's eye , or in a pig's eye , or fabrication-in-transit , or in the face of , or in fact , or fact in controversy , or fact in issue , or fade-in , or in faith , or fall in for , or fall in with , or fall in , or farmer in the dell , or father-in-law , or in favor of , or in one's favor , or fay in , or a feather in one's cap , or in fee , or feed-in , or feel in one's bones , or in fess , or in few , or figure in , or filler-in , or fill in , or fill-in , or fill-in light , or fill-in test , or find in one's heart , or in fine , or first in, first out , or flash in , or flash in the pan , or flea in one's ear , or fleet in being , or in the flesh , or fly in the face of , or fly in the ointment , or fly in , or in foal , or in focus , or in force , or four-in-hand , or fraud in equity , or free in and out , or free-in-county , or in front of , or in this galley , or in garrison , or in general , or general-in-chief , or get one's hand in , or get in , or ants in one's pants , or give in , or in goal , or go in for , or go in to , or go in , or in good with , or government-in-exile , or governor-general-in-council , or governor-in-council , or in grain , or granddaughter-in-law , or grandfather-in-law , or grandmother-in-law , or grandson-in-law , or lie in grant , or grant-in-aid , or in grease , or grind in , or in gross , or in the gross , or guardian in socage , or in the gum , or in one's hair , or in the hair , or in half , or in hand , or hander-in , or hand in , or hand-in , or hand in glove , or hand in hand , or hand-in-hand , or in account with , or hang in the air , or hang in the balance , or in harness , or have one's hat in the ring , or hat in hand , or haul in one's horns , or have a hand in , or have it in for , or have it in one , or head in , or heave in stays , or in heaven , or heel in , or heir in tail , or hire in , or in hock , or hog in , or hog in armor , or hold in demesne , or holder in due course , or hold in , or in the hole , or hole in , or hole in one , or hole-in-the-wall , or horn in , or hose-in-hose , or in a hurry , or ice in , or imperium in imperio , or not in it , or in for , or in for it , or in absentia , or in abstracto , or in-a-door bed , or in all , or in alt , or in altissimo , or in-and-in , or in-and-out bolt , or in-and-out bond , or in-and-out plating , or in antis , or in articulo mortis , or in-calf , or in capite , or in-clearing , or ace in the hole , or in commercio , or in-contact , or in contumaciam , or in cuerpo , or in custodia legis , or in dam , or indulge in , or in esse , or in excelsis , or in extenso , or in extremis , or in facie curiae , or in fieri , or in flagrante delicto , or in forma pauperis , or in foro , or in foro conscientiae , or in fraudem legis , or in-goal , or in-grade , or in gremio , or in home , or in invitum , or in jure , or in jure cessio , or in-lamb , or in-law , or in-line engine , or in loco parentis , or in-lot , or in medias res , or in memoriam , or in-migrant , or in-migrate , or in nuce , or in-off , or in ovo , or in pais , or in pari causa , or in pari delicto , or in pari materia , or in partibus infidelium , or in parvo , or in patrimonio , or in pectore , or in perpetuum , or in personam , or in petto , or in-pig , or in-plant , or in posse , or in-print , or in-process , or in propria persona , or in querpo , or in rem , or in req , or in rerum natura




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更新时间:2025/3/10 19:06:51