释义 |
in·ci·dent I. \-nt\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin incident-, incidens, from Latin, present participle of incidere to fall into, fall on, meet up with, occur, happen, from in- in- (II) + -cidere (from cadere to fall) — more at chance 1. a. : an occurrence of an action or situation felt as a separate unit of experience : an occurrence or sometimes a situation or thing taking place as part of a larger continuum but unimportant or nonessential : happening < conflict is an inevitable incident in any active system of cooperation — Lewis Mumford > b. : an accompanying minor occurrence or condition : concomitant < Madison's view … that taxation is a necessary incident anyway to the exercise of any power — C.P.Curtis > c. : an occurrence noticeably varying a set or accustomed course or routine : an uncommon happening < to remain at variance with his wife seemed to him a considerable incident — Joseph Conrad > d. : an occurrence calling forth a sequel : a motivating event or situation : factor < the incident of that conflict was slavery, but it was not its true cause — Congressional Record > e. : a happening or related group of happenings subordinate to a main narrative plot < the melodrama and the romance … must be made up of swift successions of startling incident — E.G.Sutcliffe > f. : a frequent, accustomed, or routine occurrence unworthy of note or comment < a quite ordinary incident of daily life — Arnold Bennett > 2. a. : a contretemps, fracas, disturbance, or other action likely to lead to grave consequences especially in matters diplomatic < repeated minor incidents led finally to the danger of open combat at the boundary — American Guide Series: Maine > b. : a military situation marked by fighting without formally declared war < the Korea incident > c. chiefly Britain : a bomb explosion or other sudden violent disturbance < air-raid wardens checking on incidents > 3. a. : something dependent upon, appertaining or subordinate to, or accompanying something else of greater or principal importance < an alimony agreement may be an incident of a divorce proceeding > b. : something arising or resulting from something else of greater or principal importance < a power to employ a broker may be an incident of an express power to sell real estate > Synonyms: see occurrence II. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin incident-, incidens, present participle 1. a. : occurring or likely to occur especially as a minor consequence or accompaniment < confusion incident to a quick change > : associated or naturally related or attaching < the privileges incident to increased rank > b. obsolete : pertinent, apposite, liable, subject 2. archaic : occurring accidentally and without essential relationship : incidental 3. law : dependent on or appertaining to another thing : directly and immediately relating to or involved in something else though not an essential part of it 4. a. : falling or striking on something — used especially of light rays on a plane b. : acting from without : external < attacks by incident forces > Synonyms: see liable |