

单词 incorporate
释义 in·cor·po·rate
I. \ə̇nˈkȯ(r)pəˌrāt, usu -ād.+V\ verb
Etymology: Middle English incorporaten, from Late Latin incorporatus, past participle of incorporare, from Latin in- in- (II) + corpor-, corpus body — more at midriff
transitive verb
 a. : to unite with or introduce into something already existent usually so as to form an indistinguishable whole that cannot be restored to the previously separate elements without damage
  < the complex processes by which food is incorporated with living tissues >
  < the committee recommended that we incorporate several new rules into the bylaws >
 b. : to admit to membership in a corporation; especially : to admit (a person) to the rank, status, and privileges of an advanced degree at a British university on the basis of possession of a like degree earned at another institution
 a. : to combine (ingredients) into one consistent whole : unite intimately (as into a new substance or presentation)
  < incorporated his ideas in a monograph on classical philology >
  : blend, combine, or mingle thoroughly to form a homogeneous product
  < mechanically incorporating the materials into a smooth uniform paste >
 b. : to bring together in an association; specifically : to form into a corporation recognized by law as an entity and having particular functions, rights, duties, and liabilities
3. : to give material form to : embody
intransitive verb
1. : to become unified with something into a composite whole
 < these ideas gradually incorporated with existing religious beliefs to form a new philosophy >
 a. archaic : to mingle together so as to form a new whole
 b. : to form or become a corporation
  < they will incorporate as soon as they have a little more capital >
II. \ə̇nˈkȯrp(ə)rə̇t, -ȯ(ə)p-, usu -ə̇d.+V\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English incorporat, from Late Latin incorporatus, past participle
1. : made one body or united in one body : intimately united or blended : embodied
 < the doctrines incorporate in scriptural writings >
 a. : formed into a corporation : incorporated
  < an incorporate municipality >
 b. obsolete, of people : associated as members of a corporation
III. \(ˈ)in|kȯrp(ə)rə̇t, ənˈk-\ adjective
Etymology: Late Latin incorporatus, from Latin in- in- (I) + corporatus, past participle of corporare to make into a body — more at corporate
archaic : incorporeal, spiritual




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