释义 |
in·de·cent \-ənt\ adjective (sometimes -er/-est) Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French indécent, from Latin indecent-, indecens, from in- in- (I) + decent-, decens decent 1. : not decent: as a. : altogether unbecoming : contrary to what the nature of things or what circumstances would dictate as right or expected or appropriate : hardly suitable : unseemly < hurried away with indecent haste > b. : not conforming to generally accepted standards of morality : tending toward or being in fact something generally viewed as morally indelicate or improper or offensive : being or tending to be obscene < an indecent gesture > < indecent language > < an indecent costume > 2. archaic : unpleasant to look at : unsightly, uncomely • in·de·cent·ly adverb |