

单词 straighten
释义 straight·en
\ˈstrātən\ verb
(straightened ; straightened ; straightening \-t(ə)niŋ\ ; straightens)
Etymology: straight (II) + -en
transitive verb
: to make straight: as
 a. : to alter from a crooked to a straight form : cause to become straight or extended
  < exercise helped to straighten the injured arm >
  — sometimes used with out
  < straightened himself out on the couch >
 b. : to make correct : put in order — usually used with out or up
  < straighten out your accounts >
  < had to straighten up the house >
  < the doctor straightened out her trouble >
 c. : to put on the correct road or course (as by reforming or explaining) — usually used with out
  < discipline without love never straightened out anyone >
  < he misunderstood but a few words should straighten him out >
intransitive verb
: to become straight: as
 a. : to bring the body to an erect position
  < the wilting flowers straightened in the rain >
  — usually used with up
  < straighten up, there's no excuse for slouching >
 b. : to alter for the better : reach a desirable adjustment — usually used with out and sometimes with up
  < determined to straighten up and make something of himself >
  < these problems tend to straighten out automatically >

- straighten one's face




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更新时间:2025/3/10 11:19:19