

单词 streak
释义 streak
I. \ˈstrēk\ noun
Etymology: Middle English strek, streke, strik, strike, from Old English strica line, streak; akin to Middle Dutch streke line, stroke, Old High German strich, Gothic striks line, stroke, Latin striga row, furrow — more at strike
1. obsolete : a linear mark or cut
 < in the microscope … you may see the very streaks — Henry Power >
 a. : an irregular or indistinct stripe on the coat of an animal or the plumage of a bird
  < a magnolia warbler … his bluish gray back and yellow breast crossed by a black band from which black streaks run downward — W.P.Smith >
  (1) : an irregular strip or line of contrasting color or texture causing variation in or on a surface
   < faded streaks in a curtain where the sun hits it >
   < bacon with a thick streak of lean >
  (2) : an incision made by chipping a pine tree for obtaining turpentine
 c. : the color of the fine powder of a mineral obtained by scratching, pulverizing, or rubbing against a hard white surface, often differing from the color of the mineral in mass, and being important as a distinguishing character especially for minerals having metallic luster
 d. : an imperfection in glass consisting of a wavy or colored line that distorts an image
  (1) : a threadlike striation
  (2) : inoculum implanted (as with a needle drawn across the surface) in a line or stripe upon a solidified culture medium
  (3) : streak culture
  (1) : any of several virus diseases of plants (as the potato, tomato, raspberry, or sugarcane) resembling mosaic but usually producing at least some linear markings — compare; bluestem 2, tomato streak
  (2) : a disease of sweet peas caused by a bacillus (Erwinia lathyri) and characterized by brownish spots or streaks on the stem, petioles, and leaves
 a. : a narrow band of light
  < the first grey streaks of dawn — R.S.Porteous >
  < a streak of moonlight came in through the window — Sherwood Anderson >
  < burning oil flew outwards in a streak — Nevil Shute >
 b. : a dart of lightning : bolt
  < in dazzling streaks the vivid lightnings play — William Cowper >
  < off like a streak, heading … down the homestretch — New York Times >
 a. : a slight admixture (as of an inherent character) : strain, trace
  < the streak of extreme stubbornness … was both his strength and his misfortune — J.K.Galbraith >
  < a streak of Indian blood in him — A.W.Long >
 b. : a brief run (as of luck)
  < when he hits a streak … everything's dandy — Hamilton Basso >
 c. : a consecutive series (as of victories or defeats)
  < had a long winning streak and took the … lead — A.J.Liebling >
 d. : a short interval or transitory phase : fit, spell
  < got started on one of her talking streaks — Erskine Caldwell >
 a. : a long irregular strip (as of land or water)
  < a streak of deep green brush marks the course of a creek — American Guide Series: Arkansas >
 b. : a narrow layer (as of ore) : seam, vein
  < struck a pay streak at a thousand feet >
II. verb
transitive verb
1. : to make streaks on or in : striate
 < the water was streaked with the sunset colors — R.H.Newman >
 < the sense of living nature seems to streak some of his more recent pages — Cecil Sprigge >
2. : to prepare a streak culture of
intransitive verb
 a. : to make streaks
  < ribbons of rust streak down … from patches of corrugated iron on the roof — James Reynolds >
 b. : to rush swiftly : bolt, rocket
  < lightning streaks from cloud to cloud >
  < reporters …streaked through the crowd and out of the doors searching for telephones — Erle Stanley Gardner >
  < jet planes streaked to three new transcontinental speed records — Newsweek >
  < when the nurse opened the door, the cat streaked in — Henrietta Weigel >
2. : to become streaked
 < hair beginning to streak with gray >
III. transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English streken to stroke, probably from Middle Dutch — more at stroke
obsolete : rub, smear
 < with the juice of this I'll streak her eyes — Shakespeare >
variant of strake
V. \ˈstrēk\
variant of streek
VI. noun
: an act or instance of streaking
VII. intransitive verb
: to run naked through a public place




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更新时间:2025/3/28 7:24:04