

单词 streamline
释义 streamline
I. \ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: stream (I) + line
 a. : line of flow
  < streamlines of liquid flowing in a constricted tube — H.B.Lemon & Michael Ference >
 b. : the path of a fluid particle relative to a solid body past which the fluid is moving in smooth flow without turbulence
  < consider the streamlines… around the plane parts — S.A.Moss >
 a. : a contour offering minimum resistance to a current
  < probably no animal or plant in the water is without some touch of streamline — R.E.Coker >
  < the streamline of an airfoil >
  < the island … was formed generally in a streamline — Norman Mailer >
 b. : a fluid line
  < streamline may not improve the performance of a typewriter but it makes it look efficient >
II. \ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ transitive verb
 a. : to adapt to a line of flow
  < even without human assistance the controls of an airplane tend to streamline themselves >
 b. : to provide with a contour offering minimum resistance to a current
  < the fish is the first organism to have its hind appendage … streamlineed into it — A.L.Kroeber >
  < the nose is well streamlineed with aluminum cowling giving a bulletlike appearance — Aero Digest >
 c. : to design with flowing contours
  < streamline apparatus for greater cleanliness and safety — D.E.Pierce >
2. : to bring up to date : renovate in appearance or attitude : modernize
 < wants to streamline his people by treading on their fondest superstitions — Joseph Hitrec >
 < the archaic judiciary system has been streamlineed — T.H.Fielding >
 < streamline the text, to bring it closer to the contemporary stage — John Mason Brown >
 a. : to impose order or discipline upon : integrate, organize
  < everything is streamlineed — doctrine, tactics, production, armaments, all integrated, all enshrined in a single dynamic — Lewis Hastings >
 b. : to make simpler or more efficient
  < machines that extrude damp clay … streamline the work of clay modelers — Ford Times >
  < enacted legislation combining our armed forces into a single department of defense to streamline our defense machinery — Think >
 c. : to reduce to a minimum
  < school terms were streamlineed … to get the graduate sooner for industry — E.C.McVoy >




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