

单词 dead
释义 dead
I. \ˈded\ adjective
(sometimes -er/-est)
Etymology: Middle English deed, from Old English dēad; akin to Old High German tōt dead, Old Norse dauthr, Gothic dauths; derivative from the root of Old Norse deyja to die — more at die
1. : deprived of life : having ended existence as a living or growing thing — used of organisms or any of their parts or organs
 < a dead wasp >
 < a dead rabbit >
 < dead leaves >
 < dead of scarlet fever >
 < dead by his own hand >
  (1) : having the appearance of death or of being dead : deathly
   < in a dead faint >
   : insensible
   < dead to the world >
  (2) : without power to move, feel, or respond : numb
   < my arm feels dead >
 b. : completely exhausted : very tired
  < after two hours of hiking they were just dead >
  (1) : incapable of feeling or of being stirred emotionally or intellectually : impervious especially to pleas or arguments : unresponsive
   < a girl with a heart dead to pity >
   < completely dead and deaf to his father's advice >
   : lacking sensitivity or delicacy of feeling
   < dead to all sense of honor >
  (2) of a sentiment : grown cold : extinguished
   < a dead passion >
   < a dead love >
 a. : not naturally endowed with life : inanimate, inert
  < dead matter >
 b. : not producing or sustaining life : barren, infertile
  < dead soil >
  < a dead rocky waste >
 c. : no longer producing or functioning : exhausted, worked-out
  < a dead oil well >
  < a dead mine >
  < a dead battery >
 a. : lacking power or effect
  < a dead law >
  : no longer of concern : no longer having interest, relevance, or significance
  < a dead issue >
  (1) : lacking currency : defunct, obsolete
   < a dead custom >
  (2) of a language : no longer in ordinary spoken use
 c. : no longer active : extinct
  < a dead volcano >
 d. : lacking in fervor or warmth
  < a dead description >
  : lacking in gaiety, animation, or amusing quality
  < a very dead party >
  (1) : lacking in commercial activity : quiet
   < a dead produce market >
  (2) : commercially idle or unproductive
   < dead capital >
   : lacking in salability : being unsold
   < dead stock >
 f. : lacking responsiveness or elasticity
  < a dead tennis ball >
  < a dead string on a viol >
 g. : out of action or out of use
  < a dead electric circuit >
  < a dead telephone line >
  < dead storage >
  (1) of a ball : out of play
   < in football the ball is dead after an incompleted forward pass >
  (2) of a player : temporarily forbidden to play or make a certain play
   < a croquet player may be dead on another player's ball >
 i. printing
  (1) : being something that has been used or is not to be used
   < dead copy >
   < dead type >
   < dead artwork >
  (2) : being something that is routed or to be routed off as not meant to print
   < dead-metal areas in engravings and electrotypes >
 j. : out of play : not usable
  < a hand that is not eligible to win is dead >
 k. : having a density greater than water — used of oils distilled from tar
 l. : having lost the qualities required for workability
  < dead plaster will not set hard when mixed with water >
  < dead stone, yielding a dull thud when struck with the sculptor's hammer >
 a. : not running or circulating : stagnant
  < dead water >
  < dead air >
 b. : not turning
  < the dead center of a lathe >
  < cut between a dead knife blade and a turning one >
 c. of mail : undeliverable and unreturnable — see dead letter
 a. : having no fire, warmth, or glow
  < a dead cigar >
  < a dead fire >
 b. : lacking brilliance or luster : dull
  < a dead glossy finish >
 c. : lacking tang or taste
  < a dead wine >
 d. : muffled, deadened
  < a dead sound >
7. : having a quality of completeness or finality
  (1) : unrelieved by any breaks or deviations : absolutely uniform — often used in the phrase dead level
   < the dead level of a prairie >
   < reducing all to a dead level of mediocrity >
  (2) : characterized by the utmost exertion of effort, physical or mental
   < a dead pull >
  (1) : completely certain as to outcome : inescapable, unerring
   < a dead shot with a rifle >
   : exact
   < hit the dead center of the target >
  (2) : as good as dead : doomed
   < a dead pigeon >
  (3) : irrevocable, unrecoverable
   < a dead loss >
 c. : marked by complete and sudden cessation (as of motion or action) : abrupt
  < brought to a dead stop >
  < stopped him dead in his tracks >
 d. : complete, total, absolute
  < a dead silence fell >
  < spoke with dead certainty of his return >
9. : being abandoned by its former human occupants : deserted
 < a dead mining town >
 < dead villages >
10. : characterized by high absorption of sound : anechoic
 < a dead wall >
11. : free from any connection to a source of voltage and free from electric charges : having the same potential as that of the ground — used of current-carrying apparatus or circuits that may at other times be alive
 a. : lacking motion
  < the dead spindle of a lathe >
 b. : not imparting motion or power although otherwise functioning
  < the dead rear axle of a floating transmission >
 c. : having the principal function in abeyance
  < the dead time between power strokes >
 d. : marked by a delay in operation or by inactivity between operations or actions — used in referring to a mechanical or electronic device
  < dead time of a counter >
II. noun
(plural dead)
Etymology: Middle English deed
1. : one that is dead — now usually used collectively
 < the dead and the living >
2. : the time of greatest quiet : the period of profoundest inertness or gloom
 < the dead of winter >
 < when the drum beat at dead of night — Thomas Campbell >
3. : something dead: as
 a. dead plural : refuse from a mine
 b. slang : an article of dead mail
III. verb
Etymology: Middle English deden, from Old English dēadian to die, from dēad, adjective
intransitive verb
obsolete : die
transitive verb
chiefly dialect : deaden
IV. adverb
Etymology: dead (I)
 a. : to a degree or in a manner resembling or characteristic of death : to the last degree : absolutely, utterly, entirely, exactly
  < dead ripe >
  < dead-tired >
  < dead certain >
 b. dialect Britain : extremely, very
  < it seems to me dead strange — C.J.Dennis >
2. : with suddenness and completeness
 < he stopped dead >
3. : directly
 < the police were dead against the plan >
 < a dead-square opening >
V. \ˈded, -ē-, -ā-\ noun
Etymology: Middle English dede, deed, probably alteration (influenced by deed, adjective) of deeth — more at death
dialect Britain : death
VI. adjective

- dead in the water




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