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strip I. \ˈstrip\ verb (stripped also stript \-pt\ ; stripped also stript ; stripping ; strips) Etymology: Middle English stripen, strepen, strupen, strippen, from Old English -striepan, -strypan to plunder, rob; akin to Middle Dutch stropen to plunder, strip, Old High German stroufen transitive verb 1. a. : to remove the clothing of : make naked : bare < strip the child completely for a doctor's examination — H.R.Litchfield & L.H.Dembo > b. : to divest (one) of outer garments < stripped him of his robe > < stripped himself to the trunks > c. : to remove (as clothing) from a person : take off < it was a privilege to help the king strip off his shirt — Irish Digest > 2. a. : to deprive (someone) of a uniform, the insignia of rank or office, or a decoration < stripped two generals of their stars > b. : to divest (one) of honors, privileges, or functions < stripped the sultan of both his legislative and executive powers — New Statesman & Nation > c. : to remove the externals or trappings of (something) : divest of adventitious or superficial matters < stripped his proposition to the bare bones — A.H.Vandenberg †1951 > 3. : to remove the accessory equipment of : dismantle < was sure the car would be either stripped or stolen — Kathryn Grondahl > 4. : to deprive (one) of possessions : plunder, spoil 5. a. : to peel the rind, bark, or skin from b. : to denude (a plant) of fruit or leaves c. : to make bare or clear (as by cutting, grazing, or removing objects from) : empty off or out < the church … was sold to a housebreaker who stripped it of its valuables — S.P.B.Mais > d. : to pull, tear, or scrape off (as skin or other covering) : wrest away < stripped the feathers from fowl > < stripped the bark from trees > < stripped the film from a photographic plate > < strip the paint from a surface > 6. : to milk dry at the end of a milking by pressing the last available milk from the teats < strip a cow > 7. : to remove (a ring or jewel) from finger or arm 8. a. (1) : to pick the cured leaves from the stalks of (tobacco) (2) : to remove strings of leaves of (primed tobacco) (3) : to remove tobacco strings from (laths) (4) : to pick, sort, and tie (tobacco leaves) into hands b. : to remove the midrib from (tobacco leaves) 9. a. : to tear or damage the screw thread of (a bolt or nut) b. : to cause impairment or distortion of (a screw thread) 10. : to remove the overburden from (a mineral deposit) in mining 11. : to bare (an ingot of steel) by removing the mold 12. a. : to remove fiber and embedded waste from (the teeth of a card) b. : to transfer (carded fiber stock) from the carding cylinder to another 13. : degum 14. : to separate (a plating or sheet of electrodeposited metal) from the base metal on which plated 15. a. : to remove the most volatile parts or lightest fractions of (as by distillation or by passage of steam or inert gas) : top < strip coke-oven gas of benzene > < coke stripped by nitrogen purge gas — Industrial & Engineering Chemistry > b. : to separate (one or more components) from a mixture or solution < in a natural-gasoline plant, gasoline fractions are stripped from rich oil — Glossary of Terms Used in Petroleum Refining > 16. a. : to remove (a dye or part of the color) from yarn or fabric by boiling or treating with a chemical — compare discharge 6a b. : to remove dye or part of the color from (yarn or fabric) — compare discharge 6b 17. : to gather (as grass seed) with a mechanical beater or a hand comb that removes the seed heads for curing and subsequent threshing 18. a. : to lead from (a bridge hand) a series of winning cards that must be got rid of preparatory to executing an end play b. : to remove (playing cards usually of low rank) from a pack in a game requiring a smaller pack 19. : to press eggs or milt out of (a fish) 20. : to separate (a weapon) into the component parts : disassemble < could strip and reassemble a machine gun in the dark > 21. : to remove the rigging of (a ship) : unrig 22. : to draw all line from (a fishing reel) especially during the run of a fish 23. : to remove waste material from (a cut and creased board or sheet) before folding into a carton 24. : to mount (a photographic negative or positive) in position on copy to be used for making a printing plate especially by photoengraving — sometimes used with in 25. : to remove (forms) from concrete after the concrete has hardened 26. : to remove the old hair from (a dog) : pluck 27. : to shear off surface metal from (a bullet) under excessive bore velocities < found he was stripping bullets and fouling his gun barrel with overloads > intransitive verb 1. : to take off clothes : undress wholly or partly < ricksha men were enjoined not to strip to the loincloth when at work — D.C.Buchanan > < we stripped in the dressing room — H.D.Schwartz > 2. : to separate or come off (as skin, bark, or rind) : peel 3. : to strip tobacco 4. : to undergo stripping — used of a bullet 5. : to become damaged, distorted, or torn — used of a screw thread or a threaded part 6. : to perform a striptease Synonyms: divest, denude, bare, dismantle: strip may imply a pulling or tearing off or a rapid or thorough depriving of a covering, investment, or furnishing < shot wayfarers from ambush, stripped the bodies to the skin — American Guide Series: Tennessee > < a reading of the speech today, stripped of its emotional trappings — S.H.Adams > < had to sell even the few books that Sylvia had left him when she had stripped his house — F.M.Ford > divest may indicate a taking off or away of vesture or of whatever is vested in one as a distinction or mark of special privilege or treatment < divesting capitalists of further increments of power — M.R.Cohen > < the king is thus divested of his kingship and now becomes merely a corpse — J.G.Frazer > < has begun to divest himself of his vast estates — William Clark > denude calls attention to the bareness or barrenness resulting from a stripping or divesting < stripped of its vines and denuded of its shrubbery, the house would probably have been ugly enough — Willa Cather > < modern agriculture more and more denudes the land of the protective cover and food that wild creatures need — G.S.Perry > bare is a closer synonym to uncover or reveal than to strip; it seldom implies anything about the nature of the action but may implicate its purpose < bare one's head in respect > < not afraid to strip themselves of a goodly portion of their clothes and bare their skin to the sun's rays — H.A.Overstreet > < the letter bares the motives of her own conduct — H.O.Taylor > dismantle now usually indicates stripping a building, ship, or machine of furnishings and equipment < his ship being laid up for a month and dismantled for repairs — Joseph Conrad > < this mine had been sunk to the tenth level, before the ore crusher, enginehouse, and headframe were dismantled — American Guide Series: Minnesota > II. noun (-s) 1. : tobacco leaf from which the midrib has been removed 2. strips plural : milk strippings 3. : striptease 4. also strip play : the stripping of a bridge hand : elimination III. noun (-s) Etymology: alteration of Middle English stripe — more at stripe 1. a. : a narrow piece of about even width < a strip of cloth > < a strip of paper > < a strip of board > b. : a long narrow area of land or water < a strip of wood > 2. obsolete : a decorative piece of cloth or lace for the neck and bosom 3. a. : a shallow cast ingot of brass for rolling into sheets b. : a rolled piece of metal (as iron or steel) of the thickness of sheet metal but relatively long and narrow 4. : comic 3a 5. a. : lumber under eight inches wide and not more than one inch thick b. : sticker II 2 6. Britain : a trough for transporting and settling particles of ore suspended in water at a mine 7. : the draft of a pattern 8. : three or more postage or other stamps or stickers attached in a row either horizontally or vertically — compare block 5g 9. : a narrow piece of wood or metal on which usually four to six electric-light bulbs are arranged in line and which is used in theatrical stage lighting 10. : the path or course on which a race is run 11. : the area usually of rubber, cork, or linoleum on which a fencing bout takes place 12. : airstrip IV. transitive verb (stripped ; stripped ; stripping ; strips) 1. : to affix a strip of paper or cloth to (the edge of a pad) or over (the fold of a lining, section, cover, or insert of a book) either inside or outside usually by machine 2. : to split (rolled material) down the roll lengthwise by hand V. noun (-s) Etymology: Anglo-French estrepe, from Old French estreper to estrepe : estrepement VI. transitive verb Etymology: Middle English strypen to move fast; probably akin to Middle Dutch stripe strip, stripe — more at stripe archaic : outstrip VII. Scotland variant of stripe VIII. transitive verb : to take (the ball) away from another player IX. noun : a commercially developed area especially along a highway |