单词 | inflated |
释义 | inflated 1. 2. a. < inflated style > b. < inflated statements are made without anyone being able to check them — G.A.Craig > 3. < inflated currency > or level < inflated prices > 4. < inflated stem > : open and swelled out or enlarged < inflated perianth > Synonyms: < an inflated balloon > or, figuratively, a stretching, expanding, heightening, or puffing up by artificial or empty means < inflated rhetoric > < an inflated speech > < an inflated opinion of oneself > flatulent, applying chiefly to persons affected by excessive distention by gas of the stomach or bowels, can be extended to apply to anything that is empty or lacking substance but that gives the transparent impression of fullness or substantiality < enthusiasts who read into him all sorts of flatulent bombast — H.L.Mencken > < he was an overornate speaker; at his worst he was a purveyor of flatulent claptrap — S.H.Adams > tumid stresses noticeable especially morbid or abnormal enlargement as by swelling or bloating or, figuratively, an empty but marked pretentiousness < his face looked damp, pale under the tan, and slightly tumid — J.G.Cozzens > < the genuine scientist would never employ tumid phrases or half-baked simplifications — J.E.Gloag > turgid is similar to tumid without suggesting morbidity but often adds the idea of disorder or especially emotional unrestraint as in the use of bombast, rant, or rhapsody < the book is so turgid, so repetitive, so full of nearly meaningless tables — Geoffrey Gorer > < much too much of it dwells on the turgid adventures of a man who marries the less attractive of a pair of sisters and indulges a yen for the other — Henry Hewes > < the contrast between the vivid dialogue and the turgid narrative passages — David Greene > < a turgid speech praising the political boss > |
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