

单词 structure
释义 struc·ture
I. \ˈstrəkchə(r), -ksh-\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin structura, from structus (past participle of struere to pile up, arrange, build) + -ura -ure; akin to Latin strues heap, sternere to spread out, throw down — more at strew
1. : the action of building : construction
 a. : something constructed or built
  < a laboratory housed in a temporary wooden structure >
  < the dam is a massive structure >
  < demolish any building, highway, road, railroad, excavation, or other structure — T.W.Arnold >
  < a structure of posts or stakes across a stream — F.W.Bradley >
  < structures experimented with …: oxygen-pressure suits, oxygen-pressure balloon gondolas and pressure cabin airplanes — H.G.Armstrong >
  < all vegetable fibrous structures felted from a water suspension on a wire screen — Paper & Paperboard >
 especially : a building of imposing size : edifice
  < the civic auditorium … is the city's most important public structureAmerican Guide Series: Michigan >
 b. : something made up of more or less interdependent elements or parts : something having a definite or fixed pattern of organization
  < leaves and other complex plant structures >
  < a glandular structure at the base of the brain >
  < light provided by a fluorescent structure >
  < collapse the delicate, incomplete structure of agreement — Kenneth Love >
  < the Nazi structure of falsified facts and perverted history — Alfred Frankfurter >
  < any object which is in some sense an organized whole is said to have, or to be characterized by, structure — W.C.Clement >
  < the political and institutional structure of the Commonwealth has been built, and continues to develop, round this living core of tradition and culture — H.D.Hall >
  < events, or material objects, whose mutual spatial relationships are regarded as constant, constitute a structure — L.A.White >
3. : the manner of construction : the way in which the parts of something are put together or organized : form, makeup
 < a rambling country house, basically Gothic in plan, structure, and mass — H.S.Morrison >
 < structure means the ways in which the stars are organized into clusters and other multiple systems — G.W.Gray b. 1886 >
 < primitive societies are … pretty rigid and uniform in structure — J.D.Adams >
 < the structure of a novel >
4. : the arrangement of particles or parts in a substance or body
 < the structure of soil >
 < the structure of a plant >
 < the structure of an animal >
 a. : the arrangement and mode of union of the atoms in a molecule — compare constitution 4
 b. : the attitude and relative positions of rock masses consequent upon deformative processes (as folding, faulting, and igneous intrusion)
  < an anticlinal structure >
  < a basin-and-range structure >
  < an alpine structure >
 c. : the arrangement of a rock mass with respect to the larger features (as jointing, columnar and platy parting, bedding) — compare texture
5. : the interrelation of parts as dominated by the general character of the whole
 < economic structure >
 < financial structure >
 < personality structure >
 < political structure >
 < symphonic structure >
 < tax structure >
— see social structure
6. : the elements or parts of an entity or the position of such elements or parts in their external relationships to each other: as
  (1) : the components of a language (as phonemes, morphemes) and the way in which they are related — compare phonemics, morphophonemics, morphology, syntax
  (2) : the finite system of such components and their relations
  (1) : the composition of conscious experience with its elements and their combinations
  (2) : gestalt
  (3) : the anatomical basis of behavior consisting especially of nerve and muscle tissue
7. : the element that is common to all true interpretations of a logical or mathematical calculus
II. verb
(structured ; structured ; structuring \-kchər, -ksh(ə)r+-ing\ ; structures)
transitive verb
1. : to form into an organized structure : build, organize
 < the author has structured his book as a simple chronology — E.B.Pettet >
 < this book succeeds in structuring an admirable vantage point — J.G.Brin >
 < the male in the old-style mammal was largely structured for aggressive competition — Weston La Barre >
 < the way in which our collegiate education is structured — E.A.Walker >
  (1) : structuralize
  (2) : to put into a meaningful frame of reference
   < a theory to structure empirical research >
   < the part of television in structuring public events >
 b. : to establish the relationship between components of: as
  (1) : to define the psychological relationships in
   < structure a situation >
   < structure the perceptual field >
  (2) : to formalize the role of (as a psychotherapist or a patient)
  (3) : to set up the rules or the agenda to be followed in (as an interview or a test) with respect to interpersonal conduct
2. : to assign (a linguistic element) to a function or a relation within a system
intransitive verb
: to function or become related — used of a linguistic element




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