

单词 deal
释义 deal
I. \ˈdēl, esp before pause or consonant -ēəl\ noun
Etymology: Middle English deel, del, from Old English dǣl; akin to Old English dāl division, portion, Old High German teil part, Old Norse deild share, Gothic dails part
1. obsolete : part, portion, share
2. : an indefinite quantity, degree, or extent
 < it makes a good deal of difference >
 < it means a great deal to him >
 < he hasn't got a great deal of money >
 a. : the act, process, or method of distributing cards to players in a card game
 b. : the privilege or duty of acting as dealer
  < it's my deal >
 c. : a period in the play of a card game embracing all phases from the shuffle through the determination or scoring of the result — compare hand 10a(4)
4. : a large quantity : lot
 < a deal of years — Raymond Moley >
II. verb
(dealt \ˈdelt\ ; dealt \“\ ; dealing \ˈdēliŋ\ ; deals \ˈdē(ə)lz\)
Etymology: Middle English delen, from Old English dǣlan; akin to Old High German teilen to divide, Old Norse deila, Gothic dailjan; denominative from the root of English deal (I)
transitive verb
1. obsolete : divide, separate, sever
 a. : to give as one's share or portion : distribute, apportion, mete
  < dealt justice to all men >
  — usually used with out
  < dealt out three sandwiches apiece >
  (1) : to distribute (one or more playing cards) to a player or the players in a card game
  (2) : to distribute the cards for (a specified card game)
   < deal poker >
  (3) : to act as dealer in (a specified game)
   < deal craps >
3. : administer, deliver, bestow
 < deal the boy a scolding >
intransitive verb
1. obsolete : to be a sharer : share
 a. : to distribute the cards in a card game
 b. : to have the function or duty of distributing cards to the players in a card game
 c. : to act as a dealer in a gambling game
 a. : to have to do : concern oneself : treat — used with with
  < the book deals with all aspects of the subject >
 b. : to become occupied or busy — used with in
  < dealing in matters of no concern to him >
  < fond of dealing in large generalities >
4. : to act toward a person or regarding a thing : do — used with by or with
 < return … and I will deal well with thee — Gen 32:9 (Authorized Version) >
5. archaic : to have dealings — used with with
 < dealing with witches — Shakespeare >
6. archaic : to act as intermediary : make arrangements : negotiate — used with with or between
7. : to do a retailing or distributing business : trade, traffic — used with in before a thing
 < he deals in flour >
and with with before a person
 < he deals fairly with all his customers >
8. obsolete : contend, struggle, quarrel — used with with
9. : to take action (as in regard to some object, problem, or source of difficulty) : come to grips — used with with
 < he may deal as he pleases with his own property >
 < had to deal with a catastrophic inflation >
 < dealt with his problems as they arose >
 < dealt harshly with the rebels >
Synonyms: see distribute, treat
III. noun
1. obsolete : dealings, intercourse
 a. : an act of buying and selling : an offering of a combination of products at a special price
  < a package deal >
  : a reciprocal arrangement or agreement : bargain
 b. : treatment received in a transaction from another
  < a raw deal >
  or from impersonal forces or circumstances
  < a rough deal >
 c. usually capitalized : a particular policy of national administration especially of economic or politico-economic affairs
  < Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal >
  < the New Deal >
  < the Fair Deal >
3. : an often clandestine arrangement to gain mutual advantage for those interested : a negotiated settlement of an issue (as a lawsuit)
 < law … has a way of beginning with ideals and ending with deals — H.A.Overstreet >
IV. noun
Etymology: Middle Dutch or Middle Low German dele plank; akin to Old High German dili, dilla plank, plank floor — more at thill
 a. Britain : a board of fir or pine cut to any of several specified sizes — see deal end, slit deal, standard deal, whole deal
 b. in the United States export trade : sawed yellow-pine lumber nine inches and wider and three, four, or five inches thick
2. : pine or fir wood : deals in the aggregate
 < a floor of deal >
V. adjective
: made of deal; broadly : made of plain unfinished wood
 < a deal table >
VI. transitive verb
: sell
 < deals drugs >
VII. noun
1. : skinny herein, : explanation
2. : affair 2a d




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