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inside I. \(ˈ)in| ̷ ̷, ənˈ ̷ ̷\ noun Etymology: in (IV) + side 1. : an inner side or surface: as a. : the right side of a sword in fencing b. : the part of a footpath or sidewalk furthest from an adjoining roadway c. : the concave aspect of a curve d. : the side of home plate nearer the batter in baseball 2. : an interior or internal portion or content : the part within: as a. : inward nature, mind, thoughts, or feeling b. : the inner parts of the body; usually : viscera, entrails — usually used in plural c. : an inside passenger or seat (as in a stagecoach) 3. : the middle or principal part of a division of time < the inside of a week > 4. insides plural : the 18 first-quality quires between the outside quires of a ream of writing or drawing paper; broadly : reams of which all quires or sheets are of first quality — compare outside 5. a. : a situation in which information not generally available may be obtained : a position of trust and confidence < he was on the inside in all those deals > < only someone on the inside could have told > b. slang : information not generally available : confidential information < has the inside on what happened at the convention > 6. or inside forward a. : inside left b. : inside right II. adjective 1. a. : of, relating to, or being on the inside < an inside wall > < inside views > b. : included or enclosed in something < the inside furnishings > c. : used inside < inside clothing > d. : measured from within usually so as to include the cavity but not the substance < inside diameter > 2. : employed or working indoors < kept both an inside man and a gardener > 3. a. : relating or known to a select group : coming from an assuredly informed source < inside information > b. : placed in an organization as an undercover representative of an actually or potentially antagonistic interest < party inside men in the unions > 4. of a union : representing the employees of a single employer Synonyms: see inner III. preposition 1. a. : within the boundaries of : in the interior of < waited inside the church > < pain originating inside the muscle > b. : on the inner side of < place the dot inside the curve > 2. : before the end of < answered inside an hour > IV. adverb : on or in the inside : internally, within < a house that was spotlessly clean both inside and outside > < stayed inside during the storm > V. noun 1. : the middle portion of a playing area 2. : the area near or underneath the basket in basketball VI. adverb : in prison |