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sub·sist·ence \-tən(t)s\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin subsistentia (translation of Greek hypostasis), from subsistent-, subsistens (present participle of subsistere to exist, be) + Latin -ia 1. a. (1) : existence in reality : the condition of having substance or constituting an independent identifiable entity < an abstraction without real subsistence > (2) obsolete : condition or manner of existing (3) : hypostasis 2 (4) archaic : something that exists in reality : a material or substantial entity (5) : the condition of remaining in existence : persistence (6) : inherency < subsistence of a quality in a body > b. Scholasticism (1) : the mode by which substance becomes individualized (2) : something in a reality by reason of which it is what it is (3) : a singular rational component of the human personality that is wholly self-contained and endowed with inalienable rights c. (1) : the metaphysical status of something that subsists (sense 4b) (2) : the character possessed by whatever is logically conceivable 2. : means of subsisting: as a. : the irreducible minimum (as of food and shelter) necessary to support life < a barren land providing no more than subsistence > b. : a mode of obtaining or a source of the necessities of life : livelihood < his small patrimony was enough for a subsistence > < won his subsistence dealing in the castoffs of other people > c. : a source or supply of food < their livestock was their sole subsistence > d. or subsistence money or subsistence allowance (1) : money given in advance (as to a soldier or workman) to meet the basic needs of life while awaiting a payday (2) : an allowance for expenses incurred in performance of a duty while temporarily away from one's residence (3) : a cash allowance to a member of a military organization given in lieu of food 3. : the providing of the necessities to animal life : the furnishing of support < farming is no easy means of subsistence > Synonyms: see living |