

单词 subtraction
释义 sub·trac·tion
\-kshən\ noun
Etymology: Middle English subtraccion, from Late Latin subtraction-, subtractio, from Latin subtractus (past participle of subtrahere) + -ion-, -io -ion
: an act, operation, or instance of subtracting: as
 a. : the withdrawing or withholding from one a right (as customary services, fealty, rents, suit and service, conjugal rights, and tithes) to which he is entitled
 b. : a process of logical abstraction whereby one class is excepted from another in which it is naturally included or a connotation is withdrawn from another connotation which includes it
 c. : a mathematical process in which one number or quantity is deducted from another and which can be generalized by the formula m-s.r in which the remainder r when added to the subtrahend s always reproduces the minuend m : the inverse of addition
sub·trac·tion·al \-kshənəl, -kshnəl\ adjective




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