单词 | integral |
释义 | in·te·gral I. 1. a. < science has become an integral part of his cultural environment — C.I.Glicksberg > < an integral part of the empire > < in great dramas character is always … somehow integral with plot — T.S.Eliot > < political and economic power are integral one to the other — Commonweal > b. (1) (2) c. < the pin is integral with the pump body — H.F.Blanchard & Ralph Ritchen > < heat transfer through tubes with integral spiral fins — Transactions of American Society of Mech. Engineers > < the steam chest may be an integral part of the turbine casing or may be bolted to it — B.G.A.Skrotzki & W.A.Vopat > 2. < a hospital, a medical school, and a laboratory of science all in one integral group — V.G.Heiser > 3. < if vocations are declining, it is because integral Catholic living is declining — J.H.Wilson > • in·te·gral·ly II. 1. 2. obsolete 3. |
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