

单词 intellectual
释义 in·tel·lec·tu·al
I. \|intəl|ekch(əw)əl, -ksh-\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French intellectuel, from Latin intellectualis, from intellectus intellect + -alis -al
 a. : of, belonging to, or relating to the intellect or its use : reflective, reasoning
  < satire is an intellectual weapon — Herbert Read >
  < intellectual powers >
  < enabling them to function on the intellectual plane — Bruce Bliven b.1889 >
  < began his intellectual career as a mathematician — F.S.C.Northrop >
  — contrasted with animal
 b. : having its source in or being preeminently guided by the intellect as distinguished from emotion or experience : rational
  < has a tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people — Green Peyton >
  < think of such playwrights as coldly intellectual — E.R.Bentley >
  < in no sense an intellectual or metaphysical painter — Herbert Read >
  < the most subtle and intellectual edifice ever made by man — Weston La Barre >
  < disseminated the severe and intellectual Florentine style — National Gallery of Art >
 c. : calling the intellect into play : requiring use of the intellect
  < as abstruse and intellectual as a chess problem >
  < there should be a distinction … between manual or copying work and intellectual work — K.C.Wheare >
2. obsolete : apprehensible by the intellect alone : immaterial, spiritual, ideal
 a. archaic : endowed with the power to know and reason : intelligent
  (1) : devoted to matters of the mind and especially to the arts and letters : given to study, reflection, and speculation especially concerning large or abstract issues
   < sort of the intellectual type, but most of the gang are real people — W.H.Whyte >
   < maintain a person can be intellectual and not be intelligent — Jean Stafford >
  (2) : engaged in activity requiring preeminently the use of the intellect : engaged in mental as distinguished from manual labor; especially : engaged in creative literary, artistic, or scientific labor
   < intellectual workers should be able to deduct from their income tax the amounts which they must spend for books, documents, research work, and materials in general — Report: (Canadian) Royal Commission on National Development >
  (3) : reflecting, indicating, or suggesting devotion to matters of the mind : indicating or associated with a studious reflective temper or large mental endowment
   < had a high intellectual forehead — Edmund Wilson >
Synonyms: see mental
II. noun
1. obsolete : intellect, understanding
2. intellectuals plural, archaic : intellectual powers or faculties
 a. : a person of superior intelligence : a brainy person
  < an uneducated intellectual who had directed his great powers to accumulation and exploitation — S.H.Adams >
  < an intellectual is a person endowed with unusual mental capacity — Saturday Review >
  (1) : a person devoted to matters of the mind and especially to the arts and letters : one given to study, reflection, and speculation especially concerning large, profound, or abstract issues
   < afraid to be an intellectual — if you wanted to go to art galleries, you were immediately suspect — P.E.Deutschman >
   < a friendly manner, a quiet voice, and the face of an intellectual — William Ridsdale >
  (2) : a person claiming to belong to an intellectual elite or caste, given to empty theorizing or cerebration, and often inept in the solution of practical problems : egghead
   < don't go for the intellectual who knows nothing but $2 words — J.P.Whitcomb >
   < that dreary and narrow creature an intellectualManchester Guardian Weekly >
   < intellectual is an ugly word … it implies consummate snobbery — Russell Kirk >
 c. : a person engaged in activity requiring preeminently the use of the intellect : one engaged in mental as distinguished from manual labor
  < intellectuals … are functioning groups of society, like any of the professionals, such as lawyers, doctors, engineers, professors — F.G.Wilson >




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