

单词 intervention
释义 in·ter·ven·tion
\ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈvenchən\ noun
Etymology: Late Latin intervention-, interventio, from Latin interventus (past participle of intervenire to intervene) + -ion-, -io -ion
1. : the act or fact of intervening : interposition
 < intervention of divine providence >
 < surgical intervention >
2. : interference that may affect the interests of others: as
 a. civil law : the act of a person who pays commercial paper for honor — called also payment by intervention
 b. : the act by which a third person in order to protect his own interest interposes and becomes a party to a legal proceeding pending between other parties
 c. : the interference of a country in the affairs of another country for the purpose of compelling it to do or forbear doing certain acts or of maintaining or altering the actual condition of its domestic affairs irrespective of its will
  < spurred Paris and London into armed intervention — T.A.Bailey >
  — compare mediation
in·ter·ven·tion·al \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|venchənəl, -chnəl\ adjective




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