单词 | into |
释义 | in·to I. 1. a. — used as a function word primarily denoting motion so directed as to terminate, if continued, when the position denoted by in has been reached and usually after a verb that carries the idea of motion or a word implying or suggesting motion or passage to indicate a place or thing entered or penetrated or enterable or penetrable by or as if by a movement from the outside to an interior part < came into the house > < the river ran into the sea > < traveled into the next state > < a route into the wilderness > < imports into this country > < the mountains merge into the plain > < brought into membership in the club > < off we go into the wide blue yonder > but sometimes in constructions in which the idea of motion is carried by the very use of into in preference to in < among the first into the field — New York Herald Tribune > < they were into their clothes and on deck — H.A.Chippendale > < the child was into the cookie jar as soon as no one was looking > < stores them away into an inner pocket — A.J.Coutts > < baptized into the Catholic Church > b. < sailed the boat into the pier > < the batter leaned into the pitch > < it stood close into a fine cottonwood grove — Willa Cather > < keeping well into the foot or lower slopes of the scarpside — S.G.Joseph > 2. chiefly Scotland < living into his new house > 3. a. — used as a function word indicating a state or condition assumed, brought into being (as by force), or allowed to come about < enter into bliss > < drive someone into despair > < fall into decay > < land brought into cultivation > < collapses into hysterics and quits — H.F. & Katharine Pringle > b. — used as a function word that usually follows words carrying an idea of alteration or suggesting or implying alteration and that indicates a form or condition assumed often with loss of original or essential identity and emergence as something else < came into being > < develop into a butterfly > < compounds resolved into simple substances > < translate a book into French > < divide a hospital into several wards > < fold a paper into four > < the barn was remodeled into a garage > < the land was plowed into broad ridges and hollows — L.D.Stamp > < the book went into edition after edition > < divide the theme into a beginning, a middle, and an ending > 4. — used as a function word to indicate something accepted or acquired (as for possession) < talked himself into a good job > < came into an inheritance > 5. a. (1) obsolete (2) < go into town > < go into market > b. < looking into the sun > < looked into his plate and said nothing > < turned into the wind > c. < since then — right into today — you and I have enjoyed … the economic idea of roaring production — Sylvia F. Porter > d. < run into a wall > < fell into a fence > < the mixture is run into an endless moving wire screen — American Guide Series: Louisiana > 6. a. — used as a function word to indicate the dividend in mathematical division < dividing 3 into 6 gives 2 > b. archaic 7. — used as a function word to indicate a set of circumstances, a function, action, or occupation entered upon or taken on < get into trouble > < go into business > < force into compliance > < might be tortured into divulging military information — G.A.Craig > 8. a. — used as a function word indicating something in which a literal or figurative insertion or introduction is made or in which there is inclusion < pushed the hose into the pipe > < read a new meaning into a sentence > < water enters into the composition of the human body > < marry into an influential family > < introduced a bill into the legislature > < play a song into a microphone > < soon got into the act > b. — used as a function word to indicate something penetrated by the sight or insight or by an intellectual process (as investigation, reflection, or analysis) < peer into the distance > < look into the future > < search into his motives > < inquire into his activities > < insights into religion and poetry > < seek to look … into the hopes and fears of men and women — F.D.Roosevelt > c. < pressed the marble into the palm of his hand > < force the grease into the bearings > d. — used as a function word to indicate something slowed or stopped in its course or impeded by interruption < into the path of a train > < stepped into a punch on the jaw > < butt into their conversation > e. < gases expanding into a vacuum — S.F.Mason > f. < I am into a heavy fish … have already taken a twelve-inch bass on the same plug — Paul Brooks > 9. — used as a function word indicating a period of time or an extent of space of which a portion is used or occupied < sang far into the night > < went some distance into the next month before paying the bill > < stretched into the distance > 10. — used as a function word to indicate something contributed to, paid, received in exchange, or dealt with by handling in some way < all the sugar we had went into the cake > < his pay check went into the rent > < their spare cash went into some new furniture > < all their brain power went into solving the problem > 11. < the company then expanded into bakery machines and specialized sewing machines — Time > II. < her two children … are both into art — New York > |
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