释义 |
su·per I. \ˈsüpə(r)\ noun (-s) 1. [short for supernumerary, superintendent, supervisor] a. : supernumerary; especially : a supernumerary actor b. : one in a position of authority or superiority : superintendent, supervisor 2. [short for obsolete superhive, from super- + hive] : a removable upper story of a beehive containing sections for the storage of honey 3. [English thieves' slang, alteration of souper, probably from white souper silver watch, from white soup melted silver from stolen articles + English -er] : watch 7a 4. [super (III) ] a. : a superfine or superior grade or quality : an extra large size b. : an article of merchandise of a superfine grade, quality, or large size 5. [by shortening] : superphosphate 6. [origin unknown] : a thin loosely woven open-meshed starched cotton fabric used especially for reinforcing books 7. [by shortening] : supermarket II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb : to reinforce (as a book backbone) with super intransitive verb : to perform as a super III. adjective 1. [by shortening] : superficial 1b 2. [short for superfine] a. (1) : of a superfine grade or quality (2) : of great worth, value, excellence, or superiority < tiered tables make super end tables for a small sofa — Better Homes & Gardens > < add mint to chocolate syrup for a super sundae sauce — Parents' Magazine > b. : possessing the greatest size, power, complexity, intensity, or development : being very great < super atomic bomb > < super truck > < super drugstore > < a plaster casting … in bilious super gloss colors — I.A.N.Henderson > c. (1) : exhibiting the characteristics of its type to a great or excessive degree < clowns … are, in essence, super realists — John Grierson > specifically : manifesting excessive loyalty < super patriot > (2) : carried, developed, or made use of to an excessive degree < super secrecy > < the assumption that safety lies in setting up verboten signs … is what a super legalism leads to — W.E.Binkley > d. : embracing in its structure or authority complexes of its own nature < such a business-labor-agricultural council would develop into a super lobby with coercive powers — New Republic > IV. adverb 1. : very, extremely < a brand-new super special stove — Parents' Magazine > 2. : excessively < inclined to be super critical of the present era hunters — Ed Shearer > V. abbreviation 1. superfine 2. superheterodyne 3. superior |