释义 |
in·tro·ver·sion \|in.trə|vər]zhən, -.trō|-, -və̄], -vəi] also ]sh-\ noun (-s) Etymology: intro- + -version (as in diversion) 1. : the act of introverting or the state of being introverted < economic introversion — Peter Schmid > < an introversion and not an expansion — D.S.Savage > 2. a. : the act of directing one's attention toward or getting gratification from one's own thoughts and feelings and other intrapsychic experience < neurotic introversion — too much preoccupation with oneself — Irish Digest > — opposed to extroversion b. : the state of being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own intrapsychic experience c. : a habitual tendency toward such introversion |