释义 |
su·per·in·tend·ent I. \ˌsüp(ə)rə̇n.ˈtendənt, -pərn.-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Medieval Latin superintendent-, superintendens overseer, from Late Latin, present participle of superintendere to superintend 1. a. obsolete : bishop b. : a Protestant Christian minister charged with the general supervision of churches within a certain territory or district < a Methodist superintendent > 2. : one who has the oversight and charge of a place, institution, department, organization, or operation with the power of direction < superintendent of schools > < superintendent of public works > < superintendent of a railroad division > as a. : the executive head of a police department : a chief of police b. : building superintendent II. \| ̷ ̷( ̷ ̷) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷\ adjective Etymology: Late Latin superintendent-, superintendens : overseeing, superintending |