释义 |
in·verse I. \(ˈ)in|vərs, ənˈv-, -və̄s, -vəis\ transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Latin inversus, past participle of invertere : invert, reverse II. \ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷, ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷\ adjective Etymology: Latin inversus, past participle of invertere to invert — more at invert 1. archaic : being upside down : inverted < a tower builded on a lake, mocked by its inverse shadow — Thomas Hood †1845 > 2. : opposite in nature or relationship : contrary, reversed < as high as 70 percent … were engaged in repair and conversion work, a condition inverse to prewar operation — Collier's Year Book > < attendance of the students … is in inverse ratio to the work in the cornfields — Joaquin Noval > 3. a. : opposite in nature and effect — used of two mathematical operations which when both are performed in succession upon any quantity reproduce that quantity < division is the inverse operation of multiplication > b. of a mathematical function : expressing the same relationship as another function but from the opposite viewpoint III. noun (-s) 1. : something of a contrary nature or quality : opposite, reverse < had no luck with his experiment so he tried the inverse of this process and got a positive result > specifically : the opposite color from that of the first card dealt in the winning row in the game of rouge et noir — compare couleur 2 2. : the result of an inversion; specifically : a proposition which is inferred immediately from another and in which the subject term is the negative of the subject of the given proposition and the predicate term is unchanged < the inverse of “no purposeful effort is entirely wasted” is “some not-purposeful effort is entirely wasted” > — compare contraposition 3. : an inverse function, operation, or point IV. noun : a set element that is related to another element in such a way that the result of applying a given binary operation to them is an identity element of the set — see additive inverse herein multiplicative inverse herein |