

单词 invoice
释义 in·voice
I. \ˈinˌvȯis\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: modification of Middle French envois, plural of envoi action of sending, message — more at envoy
 a. : an itemized statement furnished to a purchaser by a seller and usually specifying the price of goods or services and the terms of sale : bill
  < prices shown on this invoice are net >
 b. : a consignment of merchandise
  < received a large invoice of broomstraw >
 c. : a printed form used for detailing charges : billhead
  < a picture of the factory appears on the invoice >
2. : bill of lading
II. verb
transitive verb
 a. : to submit a statement of charges for : bill
  < invoice desk accessories to the stationery buyer >
 b. : to send a consignment of (merchandise) : ship
  < where are the sewing machines invoiced me by this steamer — R.H.Davis >
2. : inventory
intransitive verb
1. : to make or render an invoice
 < please invoice and advise where to pay — advt >
2. : to be worth on inventory
 < his little office would not have invoiced more than fifteen hundred dollars — W.A.White >




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