

单词 invoke
释义 in·voke
\ə̇nˈvōk\ transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English invoken, from Middle French invoquer, from Latin invocare, from in- in- (II) + vocare to call, from voc-, vox voice — more at voice
 a. : to petition for help or support : call upon for assistance
  < the gods had to be invoked to bring rain — T.E.Sanford >
  < she would invoke the Travelers' Aid Society, and they would assist her in getting a … place to live — Donn Byrne >
 b. : to appeal to as furnishing authority or motive : propound as a logical basis
  < racist doctrines are invoked for political ends — Ruth Benedict >
  < invoke the balance-of-payments difficulties to justify … import prohibitions — Economist >
  < four theories … invoked by geographers to explain the origin or the areas — S.A.Cain >
  < imaginary lesions … invoked to account for conditions which had a merely psychogenic origin — R.S.Ellery >
 a. : to call forth by incantation : conjure 2
  < spokesmen for the two tribes invoked the spirits of departed … chiefs to tell them they were now as one — Time >
  < invoke a plague on all their houses — W.L.Sperry >
 b. : to use (a respected name) to imply endorsement by the owner
  < more misquotations probably have been attributed to Jefferson than to any other American, because many politicians who invoke his name have read him not at all — L.B.Wright >
 a. : to make an earnest request for : solicit
  < invoke the board's help in getting his old job back — Dixon Wecter >
  < the student of genetics invokes the aid of the physicist and biochemist — J.M.Fogg >
 b. : entreat, implore
  < invoke mercy >
  < invoked their forgiveness >
 a. : to call for (as papers or other evidence) judicially — used chiefly in admiralty prize procedure
 b. : to put into legal effect or call for the observance of : enforce, implement
  < invoke the penalties of the law — Albert Mowbray >
  < military sanctions may be invoked only after economic sanctions have failed — Normal Hill >
  < invoked the veto six times in the dispute — C.D.Fuller >
  < invoke a promise >
  < unhesitatingly invoked the health department's broad powers — Leonard Engel >
  < because it possesses that right … can usually discipline the majority without invoking its prerogative — Foreign Affairs >
 a. : to introduce or put into operation : instigate, employ
  < controls alien to … peacetime custom will have to be invoked — Stacy May >
  < invoke bold visions at a time of unrest — Norman Cousins >
  < discipline should not be invoked … without first consulting the union — Earl Brown >
  < alliteration's artful aid is invoked on every page — Irish Digest >
 b. : to bring about : cause, excite
  < operations … invoke new problems of administration, maintenance and supply — H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker >
  < stabilizing the regime and invoking social and patriotic fervor — E.P.Snow >




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