

单词 supply
释义 sup·ply
I. \səˈplī\ verb
Etymology: Middle English suppleen, supplien, from Middle French souplier, soupleier, from Latin supplēre to fill up, supplement, supply, from sub- up + plēre to fill — more at sub-, full
transitive verb
 a. obsolete : to make additions to by way of supplement
 b. : to add (something essential or lacking) as a supplement
 a. : to provide satisfaction or compensation for (as a need or defect) : make good by providing a substitute : fill adequately
  < an age which supplied the lack of moral habits by a system of moral attitudes and poses — T.S.Eliot >
  < the laws by which the material wants of men are suppliedBulletin of Bates College >
 b. : to satisfy a need or desire for : provide or furnish with : bring up or make available a quantity of : yield
  < had taken to poaching as a means of supplying fresh meat for the table — H.D.Quillin >
  < the millrace built to supply power to the mission's sawmill — American Guide Series: Tennessee >
  < the moral code of each generation … supplies a norm or standard of behavior — B.N.Cardozo >
  < a youngster in school supplied me the answer — Bryan MacMahon >
  (1) : to provide that which is required or desired by : satisfy the needs or wishes of : furnish with or as if with supplies, provisions, or equipment
   < a contract to supply the railroad with fuel — D.L.Graham >
   < wells were drilled to supply the town's water system — American Guide Series: Arkansas >
  (2) : to furnish (organs, tissues, or cells) with pathways for transmission or a vital element (as a nerve impulse) — used of nerves and blood vessels
  (1) : to substitute for another in (a function)
  (2) : to occupy (a position) as a substitute; specifically : to serve as a supply in (a church or pulpit)
 b. : to serve instead of : take the place of : replace
  < a bold peasantry … when once destroyed, can never be supplied — Oliver Goldsmith >
intransitive verb
: to serve as a supply
 < he supplied on Sundays in church pulpits of various denominations — Virginia D. Dawson & Betty D. Wilson >
Synonyms: see provide
II. noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English supplye, from supplien to supply
1. obsolete : assistance, succor, aid
2. : something that supplies or is supplied to a person or thing :
 a. obsolete : reinforcements — often used in plural
 b. : a clergyman that serves as a substitute for another or as a temporary or incompletely functioning pastor
  < since the church's organization, the pulpit has been filled by suppliesPresbyterian Life >
 c. obsolete : a supplement especially to a book
 d. : the quantity or amount (as of a commodity) needed or available
  < the state's supply of antiquities is not alarmingly diminished — American Guide Series: Maryland >
  < the need for a supply of symbols … to designate various things — Jack Guendling >
  < beer was in short supply in that hot weather — Nevil Shute >
 e. : items or a quantity (as provisions, clothing, arms, or raw material) available for use, exploitation, or development or especially set aside to be dispensed at need : stores, store
  < two crocodiles looking greedily … at this supply of succulent beef — Francis Birtles >
  — usually used in plural
  < ensuring fresh supplies of managerial talent — Roy Lewis & Angus Maude >
 f. : an amount of money provided (as by a legislature) to meet the annual national expenditures or those not covered by other revenues — usually used in plural
  < the power of giving or withholding the supplies at pleasure is one of absolute supremacy — T.E.May >
3. : the act, process, or an instance of filling a want or need or of providing someone or something
 < manufacture, acquisition, provision and supply of services and goods — Federal Guide (Australia) >
 < the town became a base of supply for cowboys — American Guide Series: Texas >
 < engaged in the supply of raw materials to industry >
 a. : the quantities of goods or services offered for sale at various prices — compare demand
 b. : the desire for general purchasing power seeking its end by an offer of specific commodities or services
5. : something that contains, delivers, maintains, or regulates a supply
 < supply line >
 < supply depot >
 < the traces that supply one leaf constitute the leaf supply — A.J.Eames & L.H.MacDaniels >
variant of supplely




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