释义 |
sur·vey I. \sə(r)ˈvā; ˌsərˈ-, sə̄ˈ-, səiˈ-, ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ verb (surveyed ; surveyed ; surveying ; surveys) Etymology: Middle English surveyen, from Middle French surveer, surveeir, surveoir to look over, survey, from sur- + veer, veeir, veoir to look, see — more at view transitive verb 1. a. : to look over or examine with reference to condition, situation, or value : examine and ascertain the state of : appraise, estimate, evaluate < hired to survey a manor for its extent, value, ownership, and liabilities > b. : to have oversight of : supervise c. : to make a usually statistical survey of < survey population growth in the southern counties > d. (1) : to make an investigation and fix responsibility for destruction, loss, or damage of (as military equipment) (2) : to inspect (as equipment or supplies) to determine whether retention as serviceable or condemnation as unserviceable is advisable (3) : to retire (as men or equipment) from active duty after inspection 2. : to determine and delineate the form, extent, and position of (as a tract of land, a coast, or a harbor) by taking linear and angular measurements and by applying the principles of geometry and trigonometry 3. a. : to view from or as if from a high place or a commanding position : take an inclusive or overall view of : consider or study comprehensively : examine to the whole extent < silently surveyed the beautiful panorama below them — L.C.Douglas > < survey almost the whole mass of contemporary literature — S.E.Hyman > b. : make, write, or present a survey of : outline or describe in or as if in an overall inclusive generalized study < a series of lectures which survey the entire field of cardiology — Bulletin of Meharry Medical College > c. obsolete : observe, perceive, see 4. : to view with a scrutinizing eye : examine carefully and closely the salient features or details of : look carefully into or through : inspect closely, searchingly, or in detail : scrutinize < she … surveyed herself in the pier glass — James Joyce > < he surveyed us in a lordly way — Alan Harrington > 5. : to grade and measure (lumber) intransitive verb : to make a survey Synonyms: see see II. \ˈsərˌvā, ˈsə̄ˌ-, ˈsəiˌ- sometimes sə(r)ˈvā or ˌsərˈ- or sə̄ˈ- or səiˈ-\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive 1. a. (1) : a critical examination or inspection often of an official character for an implied or specified purpose : the action of ascertaining facts regarding conditions or the condition of something to provide exact information especially to persons responsible or interested < survey of a state's roads > < a survey of the schools in the area > < unemployment surveys > (2) : an examination of a ship or a part of its cargo or equipment to determine its condition, responsibility for damage, and disposition to be made (3) : a study of a specified area or aggregate of units (as human beings) usually with respect to a special condition or its prevalence or with the objective of drawing conclusions about a larger area or aggregate : a systematic collection and analysis of data and especially statistical data on some aspect of an area or group < a telephone survey of major United States companies … in the atom business — Ray Cromley > < made a survey … of farm production in the Midwest — Current Biography > b. : a report, study, or document presenting the results of such an examination 2. a. : the action of looking at something from a high or commanding position : a general or comprehensive view < resumed her survey of the landscape — Anne D. Sedgwick > b. : a broad undetailed consideration or treatment of something : a history, exposition, or description presenting the outlines only < competent surveys of the literatures of India, China, and Japan — Times Literary Supplement > < continue his illustrated survey of the music of southern Africa — London Calling > — see survey course 3. a. : the process of surveying an area of land or water : the operation of finding and delineating the contour, dimensions, and position of any part of the earth's surface whether land or water < a topographic and hydrographic survey of a locality — C.H.Deetz > b. : a measured plan and description of a portion of an area or of a road or line through an area obtained by surveying c. : an organization (as a government agency) engaged in surveying 4. : something that is surveyed: a. archaic : a delineation of a scene : view b. : prospect Synonyms: see compendium III. noun : poll 9a |