释义 |
sus·pen·sion \səˈspenchən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Late Latin suspension-, suspensio, from Latin suspensus (past participle of suspendere to suspend) + -ion-, -io -ion 1. : the act of suspending or the state or period of being suspended, interrupted, or abrogated < his business duties forced the suspension of his hobbies — Current Biography > < an actress under suspension from a moving-picture studio for failing to report to work > as a. : temporary forced withdrawal from the exercise of office, powers, prerogatives, privileges as a member or communicant < suspension may be employed to remove an apparently seriously objectionable boy or girl from school — H.R.Douglass > < a rash of police suspensions takes place because of alleged shakedowns — R.E.Merriam > b. : temporary withholding (as of belief, decision, or judgment) c. : temporary remission of action or execution (as of a law, regulation, or rule) d. Scots law (1) : a judicial remedy to prevent a threatened injury or to stop an unlawful proceeding brought in the Bill Chamber before a lord ordinary who may require caution before granting emergency relief and who then hears the case on its merits — called also suspension and interdict (2) : a petition brought in the Bill Chamber by a prisoner before a lord ordinary to satisfy him that the imprisonment is illegal — called also suspension and liberation e. (1) : the holding over of one or more musical tones of a chord into the following chord, thus producing a momentary discord and suspending the concord which the ear expects; specifically : such a dissonance which resolves downward (2) : the tone thus held over — compare retardation 5 f. : a penalty by which a cleric is forbidden wholly or in part to exercise the power of orders or office or to enjoy the fruits of his benefice g. : stoppage of payment of obligations or engagements : failure — used especially of a business or a bank h. : a rhetorical device whereby the hearer is kept in suspense over what is to follow or over the inference or conclusion to be drawn < “eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard …” is a suspension > i. : an abbreviation (as IHS for ΙΗΣΟΥΣ Jesus) consisting of the first letter or the first part of a word accompanied by a special mark indicating the omission of the rest : an abbreviation (as ppt for precipitate) consisting of the first letter or part of a word and the first letter or part of the second or third syllable of the word 2. a. : the act of hanging or the state of being hung < the simple stake was employed for the impalement as well as for the suspension of those under sentence — Victor Schultze > b. (1) : the state of a substance when its particles are mixed with but undissolved in a fluid or solid < dust particles in suspension in air > < silt in suspension in water > < droplets in suspension in a gas > (2) : a substance in this state < a suspension of fine sand in water > (3) : a two-phase system consisting of a finely divided solid dispersed in a solid, liquid, or gas — compare dispersion 4b, emulsion 2a, solution 2b(1) 3. : something suspended < the swinging bridge, a suspension of steel cables with stone towers and a wooden walkway — American Guide Series: Minnesota > 4. a. : a device by which something (as a magnetic needle) is suspended < a bifilar suspension > b. : the system of springs and other devices supporting the upper part of a vehicle on the axles < independent front-wheel suspension has entirely replaced the rigid front axle on American cars — Joseph Heitner > c. : the act, process, or manner in which the pendulum or torsion balance of a timepiece is suspended |