单词 | able |
释义 | able I. 1. a. < able to solve a problem > < able to buy a house > b. < machines able to lift 10 tons > < owls able to see in the dark > c. < American women are able to vote > < we were able to meet her at noon > d. < a shoe able to be repaired > < a hill able to be climbed > 2. a. obsolete b. now dialect 3. dialect < able for four helpings of dessert > 4. < an able and rapacious tyrant — H.O.Taylor > < an able, moving, and fascinating portrait — B.D.Wolfe > 5. < able to inherit property > Synonyms: < some day I would be like one of themselves, able to kill animals and catch fish — W.H.Hudson > Placed before the noun modified, it may suggest a combination of superior qualities, especially as demonstrated in practice < Cleveland was an able leader, honest, courageous … a fine exponent of Manchester liberalism — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager > < a priest … an able one, by all means, not only devoted, but resourceful and intelligent — Willa Cather > capable is commonly interchangeable with able in this sense. It is more likely than able to be used in situations involving possibilities and potentialities < democracy alone has constructed an unlimited civilization capable of infinite progress — F.D.Roosevelt > < a being … more capable of feeling than even the most gifted of common men — Aldous Huxley > Often it suggests powers of adjustment, adaptability, or resourcefulness adequate for treating satisfactorily whatever matter is under consideration < it was impossible even to recall the house of mourning without a grateful memory of Louisa's capable dealing with funerals — Ellen Glasgow > < only people who valued machines more than men were capable under these conditions of governing men to their profit and advantage — Lewis Mumford > competent suggests complete fitness for adequate performance < Tolstoy and Turgenev were quite competent in Russian, though they learned English, French, and German in infancy — Bertrand Russell > Sometimes the word connotes special professional or technical training < the associated workers must be competent scholars in language and palaeography — F.N.Robinson > Sometimes competent is used to suggest adequacy but to deny outstanding superiority and hence may be derogatory < the difference between a great dancer and a merely competent dancer is in the vital flame, that impersonal and … inhuman force which transpires between each of the great dancer's movements — T.S.Eliot > < they were all competent practical mechanics, but Gay was an inspired mechanic — John Steinbeck > qualified suggests either adequate experience and knowledge, satisfactory special training, or formal certification as being especially trained < Poky … was … my guide … no mortal could be better qualified; his native country was not large, and he knew every inch of it — Herman Melville > < being a qualified doctor, she knew all the facts of life — Upton Sinclair > II. 1. obsolete 2. obsolete III. — a communications code word for the letter a |
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