

单词 irritable
释义 ir·ri·ta·ble
\ˈirəd.əl, -rətə-\ adjective
(sometimes -er/-est)
Etymology: Latin irritabilis, from irritare to irritate + -abilis -able — more at irritate
: capable of being irritated: as
 a. : likely to become impatient, angry, or disturbed : easily exasperated
  < an irritable disposition >
  < such irritable neurotic people >
 broadly : easily excitable
 b. : excessively or unduly sensitive to irritants or stimuli : exhibiting abnormal irritability
  < an irritable colon >
 c. of protoplasm or a living organism : responsive to stimuli
 fractious, peevish, snappish, waspish, petulant, pettish, huffy, huffish, fretful, querulous: irritable implies ready, impatient excitability whereby one is angered and exasperated easily
  < a hot day and the clerk in the store was irritable … had not slept much the night before and he had a headache — Lyle Saxon >
  fractious may suggest a wilful or truculent unruliness or perverse crossness
  < those who are spoilt and fractious, who must have everything their own way — F.A.Swinnerton >
  < a wary, querulous, grumbling, vain, testy, self-righteous, honorable man, a defiant and fractious servant and a high-handed and mistrustful master — Arthur Schlesinger b.1917 >
  peevish may suggest childish irritability about petty matters
  < peevish because he called her and she did not come, and he threw his bowl of tea on the ground like a willful child — Pearl Buck >
  < peevish, and wrathful, often insolent, and quarrelsome — Charles Kingsley >
  snappish may apply to an irritability manifesting itself in sharp, tart, sarcastic objections and rejoinders
  < a little snappish at reflecting how many miles he had to post — Samuel Butler †1902 >
  waspish may connote testy, resentful, stinging irascibility
  < a little waspish woman who would have been ahead of me snapped out at a man who seemed to be with her — C.S.Lewis >
  petulant may suggest sulky and capricious dissatisfaction and complaint as though resolved to be displeased
  < in his youth the spoiled child of Boston, in the middle life he was petulant and irritable, inclined to sulk when his will was crossed — V.L.Parrington >
  pettish may apply to childish, sulky ill humor of or as if of one slighted
  < she heard Amy's voice in pettish exclamation: “Oh, get out, you!” — Arnold Bennett >
  huffy or huffish may suggest a tending to take undue offense or to have one's arrogant pride hurt and to parade one's blustering irritation
  < rather huffy, and somewhat on the high-and-mighty order with him — Harriet B. Stowe >
  fretful suggests ill-humored continuing irritability and complaining or whining peevishness
  < his voice was peevish, almost whining, and there were certain overtones in it which recalled the fretful complaining voice — W.H.Wright >
  querulous stresses the idea of discontented whining complaining, often childishly futile, resentful, and arising from determined inclination to be displeased
  < the man himself grew old and querulous and hysterical with failure and repeated disappointment and chronic poverty — Aldous Huxley >




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