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iso·bar \ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at iso-+ˌbär\ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary is- + -bar (from Greek baros weight) — more at grieve 1. : an imaginary line or a line on a map or chart connecting or marking places on the surface of the earth where the height of the barometer reduced to sea level is the same either at a given time or for a certain period 2. a. also iso·bare \-ˌba(a)(ə)r\ : one of two or more atoms having practically the same atomic weights but different atomic numbers and hence different chemical properties < carbon 14 and ordinary nitrogen 14 are isobars > b. : one of two or more nuclides having the same mass numbers but different atomic numbers • iso·bar·ism \-ˌbäˌrizəm, -ˌba(a)ˌr-\ noun -s |