单词 | swear |
释义 | swear I. transitive verb 1. < the queen swears the oath at the high altar — Newsweek > 2. a. < swore Monday to the banking committee he didn't yet know why he was fired — Wall Street Journal > < a sworn affidavit > b. < swore to uphold the Constitution > c. < swears that such action will cause the meat to shrivel in the cooking — American Guide Series: North Carolina > < swore to pay the money back soon > 3. a. < swear the witness > < swore him to secrecy > b. < swore the jury > < two years later he was sworn to the bar — Time > 4. obsolete < now by Apollo, King, thou swear'st thy gods in vain — Shakespeare > 5. < swore himself into a fit of apoplexy > < swore his life away > intransitive verb 1. a. < stay, sir, do not promise — do not swear — Robert Browning > b. 2. 3. < not in the habit of swearing even in his thoughts — LeRoy Smith > Synonyms: < I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States — U.S.Constitution > < would have to make a statement and swear to it — Margaret Deland > To affirm is to state solemnly and with conviction, especially before a court although without reference to God or like gestures < must annually affirm his belief in a fundamentalist interpretation of the Scriptures — American Guide Series: Tennessee > < the National Grange has again affirmed its conviction that the farmers' best hope for the future is in self-help — Christian Science Monitor > To asseverate is to affirm earnestly and emphatically < asseverating her innocence, and the innocence of her governess — Edith Sitwell > < asseverated that he had there become a mighty horseman — Osbert Sitwell > To depose is to make a statement, as an affidavit or deposition, in writing or under oath < the witness deposed that she had seen the man fire the shot > < the policeman called by the prosecutor's servant deposed to finding the prosecutor bruised and bleeding — Arthur Morrison > To testify is to give evidence, often on the witness stand or in a deposition and usually under oath or under penalties of perjury, or as if in such circumstances < the following June he testified in favor of a Congressional bill providing for military advice and assistance to China — Current Biography > < he offered affidavits from various individuals, including his parish priest, testifying to his good character — John Warner > • - swear at - swear by - swear for - swear off - swear the peace against II. 1. < do you think I would stand here and say that swear and tell a story — Carson McCullers > 2. < finally the butler's suave voice … provoked a full-bodied swear — McClure's > |
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