释义 |
ac·com·mo·da·tion \ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈdāshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: French or Latin; French, from Latin accommodation-, accommodatio, from accommodatus + -ion-, -io -ion 1. a. : something that is supplied for convenience or to satisfy a need < huts with no sanitary accommodation or running water — S.G.O'Kelly > as (1) : room, space < the library accommodation is leased — Library Science Abstracts > (2) : lodging, food, and services (as at a hotel) or seat, berth, or other space occupied together with services available (as on a train) — usually used in plural < tourist accommodations on the boat > < overnight accommodations for visitors > b. : a public conveyance (as a railroad train) that stops at all or nearly all points < I drove around the town in a horse-drawn accommodation — Mary H. Vorse > < on the accommodation local — Bennett Cerf > 2. : the provision of what is needed or desired for convenience < tables and benches are installed for the accommodation of picnickers — American Guide Series: New Hampshire > 3. : adaptation, adjustment < an accommodation to transient conditions — W.R.Inge > a. : application of a writer's language on the ground of analogy to a meaning not originally referred to or intended < by the very greatest accommodation of language — C.M.Crawford > b. : functional adjustment of an organism to its environment through modification of its habits < a long period of migration, accommodation, and contest for supremacy among species — C.L.White & G.T.Renner > c. : a process of functional adjustment of conflict between individuals and groups through change of habits and customs 4. : an adjustment of differences : state of agreement : settlement < the question of reaching an accommodation with Japan — New York Times > 5. : loan 6. : the automatic adjustment of the eye for seeing at different distances effected in the eye of higher animals chiefly by changes in the convexity of the crystalline lens; also : the range over which such adjustment is possible for a particular eye |