释义 |
-ist I. \ə̇st sometimes ˌist\ noun suffix (plural -ists \-s(t)s\) Etymology: Middle English -iste, from Old French & Latin; Old French -iste, from Latin -ista, from Greek -istēs, from -is- (from verb stems in -izein -ize) + -tēs (suffix forming agent nouns) 1. a. : one that does : one that performs a (specified) action < cyclist > < balloonist > < duellist > : one that makes or produces < novelist > < syllogist > b. : one that plays a (specified) musical instrument < organist > < violinist > c. : one that operates a (specified) mechanical instrument or contrivance < telegraphist > 2. a. : one that practices or studies or specializes in a (specified) art or science or particular field of knowledge or particular skill < geologist > < mythologist > < algebraist > < ventriloquist > b. (1) : one that is usually professionally occupied with or interested in < fashionist > < colorist > (2) : one that toys with or dabbles in < controvertist > < speculatist > 3. : one that professes or adheres to or advocates a (specified) doctrine or theory or system or policy or code of behavior or procedure < deist > < socialist > < royalist > < hedonist > < purist > or that supports the doctrine or theory or system or policy or code of behavior or procedure of a (specified) individual < Calvinist > < Darwinist > < Hitlerist > — especially in nouns corresponding to nouns in -ism 4. : one that is marked by < pessimist > < fatalist > — especially in nouns corresponding to nouns in -ism II. adjective suffix : of, relating to, or characteristic of (something indicated) < dilettantist > |