

单词 item
释义 item
I. \ˈīd.ə̇m, ˈītə̇m, ˈīˌtem\ adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from ita thus, probably after Latin id it, that: idem the same — more at iterate
1. : and in addition : likewise, also — used to introduce and call special attention to a new fact or particular or statement
 < a length of chain, item a hook — Philip Guedalla >
 a. — used to introduce and call special attention to an initial statement and to each of the new statements that follow that are viewed as forming a related series with the initial statement
 b. — used to introduce and call special attention to a single statement that is not viewed as one of a related series
 c. — used (1) to introduce and signalize an initial particular or detail and each of the new particulars or details that follow that are viewed as forming a related group with the initial particular or detail or (2) to introduce and signalize each individual thing (as an article of household goods, an article of apparel, an object in an art collection, a book in a library) belonging to an aggregate of individual things that are being listed one after the other in an enumeration (as an inventory or similar list)
II. \ˈīd.ə̇m, ˈītə̇m\ noun
Etymology: Middle French, from item (adverb), from Latin
 a. obsolete : an admonition or warning
 b. now dialect : hint, intimation, inkling
  (1) : an individual particular or detail singled out from a group of related particulars or details
   < support him down to the itemTime >
  especially : a small or tiny detail
   < a courteous writer will stop short of rubbing into our minds the last item of all that he means — C.E.Montague >
  (2) : a detail of information : piece of information
   < gave names and addresses and other relevant items >
  (3) : an individualizing or distinguishing mark or part or quality or characteristic
   < an item of his customary appearance — Bernard DeVoto >
   : feature
   < carefully studied each item in the landscape >
   < more than one item in the decorative features of the room was highly original >
   : trait
   < he was pleased by every unlikeness to things American, by every item he could hail as characteristic — H.G.Wells >
   < inherited items from both ancestral lines, whether hair color or intelligence — Ruth Benedict >
  (1) : an individual thing (as an article of household goods, an article of apparel, an object in an art collection, a book in a library) singled out from an aggregate of individual things (as those being enumerated in a bill or inventory or similar list)
   < was charged for three items >
   < glanced at each item in the list >
   : individual object : article
   < cherished items of Americana — Jerome Weidman >
  (2) : something singled out from a specified or implied category of things of the same kind
   < bread, meat, and other food items >
   < an important item of international trade >
   < various items of clothing >
   < thousands of items of mail >
  (3) : a thing of a particular class or kind as contrasted with a related thing of another class or kind
   < the real item in the series — H.J.Laski >
  (4) : something produced by manufacturing or manual labor or in some other way : a piece of goods : product, commodity
   < a fast-selling item >
   < marketing a variety of items >
   < where only a very few items are sold in bulk — A.S.Igleheart >
  (5) : a check or draft or other financial instrument
  (1) : a film or stage presentation or similar production : show
   < a bright new item on Broadway >
   < had seen this item brilliantly danced — Winthrop Sargeant >
  (2) : one of the parts of such a production
   < the main item of the show was to be a program of native dances — Ursula G. Bower >
 d. Britain : a selection of instrumental or sung music : musical selection : piece of music
  < before even the first item is played listeners are relaxed and receptive — Clifford Lawson-Reece >
 a. : an object of attention or concern or interest to a specified degree
  < an item of great importance >
  or in a specified field
  < an essential item for every home >
  or to a specified individual
  < excellent pictures add to the value of this book as a shipman's item — George Horne b. 1902 >
  < an item of historical interest to the collector — Edith Diehl >
  — compare collector's item
 b. : one of usually two or more points of discussion or consideration : topic, subject, matter
  < there was one more item he wanted to speak about >
  < the index of the book listed all items covered >
  < added another item to the agenda >
  (1) : something that forms a contributory or component part or section of something specified
   < mentioned a separate item of income >
   < obliteration of religion as an item of state policy — Hartzell Spence >
  (2) : one of the elements or circumstances or influences that contributes to producing an indicated result : factor
   < a major item of school expense >
  (3) : a subdivision of a cultural trait : a particular cultural factor or small group of such factors
 b. : something usually written down that forms part of a larger whole: as
  (1) : one of a series of separate listings (as each of the separate details given in a statement of charges for goods ordered or as each of the separate credits or debits detailed in a book of account) : entry
  (2) : a brief line (as a remark, observation, comment) or a paragraph or two having a largely self-contained theme or subject and forming a contributory part of a more extensive piece of writing (as a newspaper column, diary, journal)
  (3) : a brief news bulletin or news report : a brief piece of news
   < one item of news reached him after another, each more harassing than the one before — C.S.Forester >
  (4) : a piece of writing (as an article, story, poem) usually relatively short in length that forms a contributory part of a longer work (as an anthology, reference book, periodical)
   < contributed a couple of items to the magazine >
  (5) : a subordinate provision : clause
   < may also veto items of proposed legislation and accept the parts of which they approve — A.N.Christensen >
  (1) : a unit of measurement (as a question, statement) in a test or scale (as of mental aptitude)
  (2) : a unit of correlated information (as the data indicated on a business punch card) about an individual person or thing
 a. : something unspecified : an indeterminate thing
  < her shopping bag was loaded with miscellaneous items she had bought >
 b. : something routine in a group of routine things : a run-of-the-mill thing
  < just one more item in a busy day >
  < is an event, not a mere item in the year's publishing list — D.W.Brogan >
 item, detail, and particular can signify one of the things, either separate and distinct or considered so, that constitute a whole. item applies chiefly to each thing in a list of things or in a group of things that lend themselves to listing
  < an item in a laundry list >
  < each item of income >
  < an item in an inventory >
  < the first item confronting the mason in the building of footings and foundations for a new building is the excavation — J.R.Dalzell >
  detail in this connection applies to each separate thing which enters into the building, form, or construction of something as a house, a painting, narrative, or operation
  < details of the building's architecture >
  < the details of modern life which pass daily under our eyes — Matthew Arnold >
  < the details of my employment — Mary W. Shelley >
  < a painter's fine execution of details >
  particular in this connection implies a relationship with any whole and stresses that relationship more than item or detail, emphasizing the smallness, singleness, and concreteness of each item or detail in the whole
  < we know nothing of their language, and only … minor particulars of their social customs and religion — R.W.Murray >
  < the real question is what is the world … and that can be revealed only by the study of all nature's particulars — William James >
  < things are necessary or probable in kinds or species not simply as particulars — John Dewey >
III. transitive verb
1. archaic : to figure up : compute, reckon
2. archaic : to set down the particular details of : make a note or memorandum of
Usage: usually capitalized
— a communications code word for the letter i
V. noun
: a couple in a romantic or sexual relationship
 < they were rumored to be an item >




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