释义 |
sweep·stakes \ˈswēpˌstāks\ noun plural but usually singular in construction (also sweep·stake \-āk\) Etymology: Middle English swepestake one who wins all the stakes in a game, from swepen to sweep + stake stake (prize) — more at sweep, stake 1. a. : a race or contest in which the entire prize is or may be awarded to the winner; specifically : a horse race in which the stakes to be distributed are made up at least in part of the entry fees or other money contributed by three or more of the owners of horses entered b. : a race, contest, or competition < the presidential sweepstakess > < the literary sweepstakess > < a winning entry in the spring lingerie sales sweepstakess — Lingerie Merchandising > 2. : any of various lotteries or contests for prizes |