

单词 accoutrement
释义 ac·cou·tre·ment
\-ü.trəmənt; -üd.ə(r)m-, -ütə(-\ noun
or ac·cou·ter·ment \-ütrə-, -üd.ə(-, -ütə(-\
Etymology: Middle French accoutrement, from accoutrer + -ment
1. : the act of accoutering or state of being accoutered
 a. : any article of equipment or dress especially when used merely as an accessory
  < she carried a pink parasol, a rather startling accoutrement >
 b. : outfit, furnishings, equipment, trappings, regalia; specifically : a soldier's outfit (as a rifle belt, pack, and other accessories) usually not including clothes and weapons
  < the accoutrements of war >
  — usually used in plural
 a. : an identifying but usually extraneous characteristic : a nonessential but usual accompaniment
  < political demagoguery accompanied by its unsurprising accoutrement of prejudice and stupidity >
 b. : a typical device or procedure
  < the lurid accoutrements employed by the average comic artist — Coulton Waugh >




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