

单词 accuracy
释义 ac·cu·ra·cy
\ˈakyərəsē, -si, ÷-k(ə)rəs-\ noun
Etymology: accurate + -cy
: the quality, state, or degree of being accurate:
 a. : freedom from mistake or error : correctness
  < answers will be marked for neatness as well as for accuracy >
  < to achieve accuracy, errors or their repetition must be avoided — English Language Teaching >
 b. : conformity to truth or to some standard or model
  < an account, the general accuracy of which could hardly be doubted >
  < the accuracy of a firearm is its ability to deliver a close group of hits on a target >
  : exactness
  < impossible to state with accuracy the number of casualties >
  < a play much admired for the accuracy of its idiom >
  < the highly approximate reconnaissance accuracy of the map — Geographical Review >
 c. of measurement : the degree of conformity to some recognized standard value : deviation of a result obtained by a particular method from the value accepted as true
  < elevations have been extended as far as 50 miles across rugged mountainous terrain with an accuracy of about 2 feet — Science >
  — contrasted with precision




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