释义 |
swim I. \ˈswim\ verb (swam \ˈswam, -aa(ə)m\ ; also chiefly dialect swimmed \ˈswimd\ ; or swum \ˈswəm\ ; swum also chiefly dialect swam or swimmed ; swimming ; swims) Etymology: Middle English swimmen, from Old English swimman; akin to Old High German swimman to swim, Old Norse svimma, Gothic swumfsl swimming pool intransitive verb 1. : to move or propel oneself progressively in water by natural means (as by strokes of the hands and feet or by movements of the fins, flippers, or tail) 2. : to move with a motion like that of swimming : slip or glide smoothly and quietly : float < a cloud swam slowly across the moon > 3. a. : to float on the surface of or rise to the top of a liquid : not sink < oil swims on water > b. : to overcome or surmount difficulties : not go under < sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish — Daniel Webster > 4. : to become immersed or flooded : become surrounded or covered or filled with or as if with a liquid < the meat swims in gravy > < his heart swam with joy > < he swims in riches > 5. : to appear to move unsteadily before the eyes : reel < sat down again as the room began to swim crazily around her > 6. : to be dizzy : have an unsteady or reeling sensation < feels faint and his head swims > transitive verb 1. a. : to move over, cover, or cross by propelling oneself through water < swim a stream > < swim a mile > b. : to execute (a stroke) in swimming 2. a. : to cause or compel to swim or float < swim a horse across a river > b. : to make float or permit floating of in or on the surface of a liquid < immerse the eggs in enough water to swim the light ones > 3. : to subject (one) to ordeal by water 4. : to bring to a specified state by swimming 5. : to compete with in a swimming match • - swim against the stream II. noun (-s) 1. : a smooth gliding motion 2. : swim bladder 3. : an act or period of swimming < took a swim in the bay > < back from his early morning swim > 4. : a temporary forgetfulness, dizziness, or unconsciousness : swoon 5. a. : a part of a stream or other water frequented by fish b. : the current trend of affairs < that manufacturers slow to make the design change would be out of the swim > : the thick of fashionable activity — usually used in the phrase in the swim < spent his vacation at a popular resort to be in the swim > 6. : a square flat overhanging bow on a barge (as used formerly in the east of England) III. adjective : of, concerned with, or used in or for swimming < swim lessons > < swim show > < swim trunks > |