

单词 switch
释义 switch
I. \ˈswich\ noun
Etymology: perhaps from Middle Dutch swijch bough, branch, twig
1. : a slender flexible whip, rod, or twig
 < a riding switch >
2. [switch (II) ] : an act of switching : the action or office of one who switches: as
 a. : a blow with a switch
 b. : a turn of a switch
 c. : a changing or switching from one (as an investment) to another
 d. : a reversal or distinct variation of a familiar or usual mode or situation : a decided or unexpected change from the usual
 e. : a shift to another suit than that previously led by one's side in bridge
3. : a tuft of long hairs at the end of the tail of an animal (as a cow or ox) — see cow illustration
 a. : a device made usually of two movable rails, necessary connections, and operating parts and designed to turn a locomotive or train from a track on which it is running to another track
 b. : a railroad sidetrack
5. : a device for making, breaking, or changing the connections in an electrical circuit
6. : a heavy strand of usually long cut hair fastened at one end and used in addition to a person's own hair for some hairdresses
II. verb
transitive verb
 a. : to strike, beat, whip, or flog with or as if with a switch
  < lower branches of the hornbeam switching the back of his head — J.C.Powys >
 b. : to stir up, drive away, or spur on with or as if with a switch
  < horses contentedly switching flies — B.A.Williams >
 a. : swing, whisk, lash
  < switch a cane >
  < horse switches his tail >
 b. : to jerk or pull with a jerk
  < the rope may be switched out of your hand >
 a. : to turn aside : divert, shift, change
  < switch methods >
  < switch places >
  < switch one's vote >
  < switch the talk to another subject >
 b. : to dispose of (one issue of securities) and invest the proceeds in another
 c. of a produce exchange : to transfer a futures contract from one month to another
 a. : to turn from one railroad track to another : transfer by a switch : shunt
 b. : to move (cars) to different positions on the same track within terminal areas
 a. : to shift to another electrical circuit by means of a switch
 b. : to operate an electrical switch so as to turn off or on
  < switch off a current >
  < switch on a light >
intransitive verb
1. : to move by or as if by being swung or lashed from side to side
 < the cat's tail switching >
 < her black hair in a long thick braid switching to the speed of the … hoofs — Edna Ferber >
2. : to move off on or as if on a spur track
 a. : to change or shift things, places, methods, actions, or directions
 b. : to lead a suit other than that which one's side previously led in a card game




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