释义 |
acid·i·ty \əˈsidəd.ē, aˈ-, -ətē, -i\ noun (-es) Etymology: French or Latin; French acidité, from Latin aciditat-, aciditas, from acidus acid, sour + -itat-, -itas -ity — more at acid 1. a. : the quality, state, or degree of being sour or chemically acid : sourness, tartness < the acidity of lemon juice > b. : the quality or state of being abnormally or excessively acid : hyperacidity < acidity of the stomach > — not used technically c. : a tartness or sharpness in the taste of wine due to the presence of fruit acids 2. : the quality, state, or degree of being acid (as in manner) < talking with her usual slightly envious acidity — Mary Deasy > |